A new co-working space opens its doors

A new co-working space opens its doors

“The purpose of Third Places is to create connections and networks. If I had my own store, I wouldn’t be able to meet the people I share this space with. Rejoice. Two other entities that operate the chicken coop full time.”

On the one hand, watch association Turnlab, who created fablab, a workshop for manufacturing computer-based objects. On the other hand, Jane, who has the basket shop there. “It is a relief to be able to share the loads. After Covid, words and wonders could not have opened otherwise. Celine admits.

Celine Derson, Poulailler Facilitator and President of
Celine Derson, Poulailler Facilitator and President of Words and Wonders.


The goal of the facilitator is clear. “I want to be able to connect teens with this space, in addition to the usual attendance. It captivates who is also the mother of a teen. Céline Dirson especially counts on the bias of the workshops: “We can deal with teen-related problems with the theater troupe 24.92”.

Combined work similar to pressure cooker…

The storefront is reminiscent of a facade Pressure cookerA co-working space a few meters away. It’s actually an extension: “We started to get crowded to be able to take in new people, and we had to expand,” says Melissa Bernard, Head of Pressure Cooker.

In addition to these regular users of Poulailler, the new space also wants to be able to accommodate an audience. It is entirely possible to have coffee and work out for an hour or two.

If the atmosphere seems a little calmer at Poulailler with his mismatched chairs, pink sofa and children’s books, Melissa Bernard assures us: “This new space is a continuation of the pressure cooker. For those who know us, the mentality will be the same.”

…with a resource center

The Melissa Bernard Association is not the only carrier of this project. Poulailler was created with Médoc Tiers-layux Network. This space goes beyond co-working, as explained by Marie-Laure Legault, Head of the Network: “Covid has somewhat changed our view of things. Since we wanted to travel to different third places in Médoc, we decided to create a resource center with Poulailler.”

A glass ceiling separates Jane's weaver's workshop to keep the place quiet.
A glass ceiling separates Jane’s weaver’s workshop to keep the place quiet.


Three goals for the network emerge, including one in particular: peer-to-peer training. “The goal is skill pooling. Users of different third places can offer photography, professional makeup, or social networking apprehension workshops, for example.” Even if these trainings are not certified, the goal is to create a network of skills in Médoc, without the need To go systematically to Bordeaux.” “We know we have the skills, so we are there to use and develop them. »

Medoc . data

To accommodate these workshops, the chicken coop serves as a material resource. The space is available for dozens of small places in a third of the territory. It will also act as an incubator for some companies. This is the case of Altrnlab, a newcomer to the coworking space. “We give them a place to launch their Fab Lab, and then when the time is right, they can take their own building.”

But for Réseau Médoc Tiers-layux, the chicken coop also wants to be a center of immaterial resources. “We want to produce our datasets for Médoc. Marie-Laure Legault emphasized while denouncing the lack of data for the Médoc region.” For example, training organizations do not come to Médoc because there is no document listing all available rooms. It’s a data set that we can create. »

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