A minister and intellectuals dismantle “waking up” during the first day of an unambiguous conference – Tahrir

A minister and intellectuals dismantle “waking up” during the first day of an unambiguous conference – Tahrir


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Racism, neo-feminism, “abolition of culture” … The first day of the conference on the question of deconstruction, in which Jean-Michel Blanquer participated, took place in a room reserved for speakers and without contradiction.

A thought event. Installed in the Sorbonne, under the golden roofs of the Lyard amphitheater where the names Descartes and Pascal appear and also the monogram of the French Republic, this is how Jean-Michel Blanquer on Friday morning presented two days of the conference “After Deconstruction: Reconstructing Science and Culture”. These meetings, which have sparked a lot of controversy in recent days, were presented by their organizers – the Faculty of Philosophy,decolonialism . observatory, Committee of the secular republic – as a scientific meeting necessary to clarify the confrontation between them (the cosmopolitans) and others (the provinces). According to Emmanuel Henein, professor of literature and co-organizer, the moment is marked byThe urgent need to restore a space for dialogue and scientific debate.

As on the walls of the amphitheater, science and politics quickly meet once discussions begin. He barely started speaking, and Jean-Michel Blanquer returned to one of his cherished ideas: in terms of environmentalism, feminism, anti-discrimination, “There is an ‘awakened’ vision of ecology and a republican vision. When we read Elizabeth Badinter, we are not reading a book of inferior quality.”

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