A man is vaccinated against Covid 10 times in the same day

A man is vaccinated against Covid 10 times in the same day

The Ministry of Health launched an investigation to find the people who paid this man to usurp their identity and, in effect, give them a health permit.

An syringe in the arm for money. In New Zealand, a man received ten injections of Covid-19 in one day.

according to New Zealand newspaper ThingsAnd The Ministry of Health launched an investigation to find the people who paid this man to usurp their identity and, in effect, give them a health permit.

in New Zealand, In order to obtain a health permitYou must have received two doses of vaccines or have a medical contraindication.

far from danger

“If you know someone who has received more doses of the vaccine than recommended, they should see a doctor as soon as possible,” says New Zealand Vaccination Program Director Astrid Kornev.

Immunologist Helen Petosis Harris responded to the paper saying, “It’s really stupid business.” Things. There is limited data on the effect of ten doses of the vaccine in one day, because studies do not cover these overdoses, she adds, considering the man’s behavior “selfish.”

However, she remained optimistic. According to her, the strong immune response must have been particularly unpleasant the next day. But she thinks he is not in danger.

A ‘stupid and dangerous’ exercise

Malaghan Institute director and professor of immunology, Graham Le Gros, sees it as “ridiculous and dangerous” for the man who received the 10 injections as well as for people not receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, particularly those with Deltas. alternative.

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According to him, those vaccinated with 10 times more should have “real arm pain” after all these successive injections. In mid-October, another article from Things He cited potential identity theft for some immunization candidates.

The Ministry of Health responded: “Impersonating someone and receiving medical treatment is dangerous (…) and this puts at risk the person who has been vaccinated with a false identity and the person whose health says they were vaccinated when they were not.”

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