A game library created in the Bloomer-Bloomer youth-family space

A game library created in the Bloomer-Bloomer youth-family space

Espace jeunes de Plomeur, on Wednesday 12 April, formalized the creation within its walls of a game library to complement its leisure proposals. The opening of this “Game Zone” allows Plomeurois of all ages to gather together as a family around one of the 500 available games. The on-site play reception is free and takes place on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and on Fridays, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Animators and youth will guide those interested in their selection according to expectations, age, number of players, game types (community, building, mega games, retro games) with the possibility to play freely on site or borrow.

Match week April 15-28

The creation of this play area was made possible by the investment of the animation and Team Junior Asso from the youth space, the local school board and the café.

Note that Espace jeunes organizes, from April 15 to 28, the “Game Week in Bloomer”, with the police investigation “Bloemer’s Mysteries”, the Family Games Day on the 26th and 29th and a family game evening. 27.


For any information on the Game Library or Game Week, call 07 57 09 20 36.

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