A five-year investigation by the Nazis reveals Anne Frank and her family

A five-year investigation by the Nazis reveals Anne Frank and her family

After five years of investigation, an international team of investigators published their findings on Monday.

A team of international investigators on Monday revealed the name of the man who allegedly denounced Anne Frank and her family in 1944 and passed the address of their hiding place to the Nazis, reports say. Evening. According to them, the Jewish notary Arnold van den Berg revealed the address of the secret annex. Our colleagues explained that he “may have sent a list of his hiding places to Sicherheitsdienst (SS law enforcement intelligence service) in exchange for protecting his family”.

The investigations were conducted over a five-year period, during which the team used “the most advanced research techniques, examined hundreds of thousands of documents in eight countries, and interviewed 70 people.” Their conclusions are transcribed in the book “Het voirad van Anne Frank” (“Who betrayed Anne Frank?”), which will be available on Wednesday in France.

A note in the mailbox

There are several elements that support this hypothesis. Evening. Otto Frank (Anne’s father) received a note in his mailbox after editing: “Your test place in Amsterdam at the time was reported to Jüdische Auswanderung Amsterdam (the agency that organized the deportation of Jews, editor’s note), Euterpestraat, by A. Van den Berg. “

But why didn’t Otto Frank say anything? “Investigators presume that he even sought to conceal the notary’s complicity, perhaps so as not to confuse his children or not provoke anti-Semitic hatred,” our colleagues presented.

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