A cry of protest following an action by environmental activists near the Bundestag

Activists defaced a monument on which articles of the German constitution were inscribed.

By Le Figaro with AFP

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The decline of the Bundestag due to environmental activists. Christian Mange/Reuters

Environmentalists caused outrage among German politicians on Saturday after a black liquid was sprayed on a monument inscribed with the articles of the constitution near the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, in Berlin. “A monument with our constitution stained. It makes me angry and I don’t understandFaced with this move, the President of the Social Democratic Bundestag, Bärbel Bass, said in a press release.

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Earlier, the groupJill Letzte(The Last Generation), the source of many perforating measures to raise awareness of global warming, posted a video on social networks showing people in orange safety vests spraying some 19 panes of glass with black liquid three meters high with the Articles of the Constitution engraved on them.

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Then they pasted stickers surrounded by the logo.Oil or constitutional rights?The nature of the liquid has not yet been determined, police said. A police spokeswoman told AFP that six activists were involved in the incident, their identities have been noted and complaints have been filed. The labeled monument “49- BlissIn reference to the constitutional law implemented in West Germany in 1949, it is the work of Israeli visual artist Danny Karavan.

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Activists say they want to protest Germany’s continued use of fossil fuels, and remind the government of its constitutional duty to act urgently on global warming. The country aims for climate neutrality only in 2045, regardless of the message it is supposed to be about global warming. monument,”It can only be badLiberal Justice Minister Marco Buchmann has been addressed on Twitter.

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The constitution embodies freedom, democracy and the rule of law. It should never be defiledHe said whatever the reason. The Greens, the government’s Social Democrat and Liberal Democrat allies, also strongly condemned the measure, as did the opposition Conservatives. the group “Jill LetzteHe has drawn attention in recent months through several acts of civil disobedience, by blocking main roads or by displaying various materials on paintings in museums.

Their initiatives could have legal consequences with the opening, at the end of 2022, of the Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office, an investigation against the activists.Suspected of forming or supporting a criminal organization“.

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