A cosmic journey to the heart of Alta Rocca

A cosmic journey to the heart of Alta Rocca

Organized by the AltaLeghje association, the “Lire le Monde” festival, under the theme of space exploration, promises its most attractive edition in 2024. From Altagen to Serra di Scopamena, four cities become for five days a gateway to a fascinating world where literature, art and astronomy meet.

From dusk, festival-goers can enjoy movie nights under the stars, featuring captivating films such as “astronomer” And The Moon's StarsBut this is just the beginning. Encounters with renowned authors such as Jérôme Ferrari and Éric Orsena, as well as rich exchanges with renowned scientists such as Yael Nazi, David Elbaz and Nathalie Cabrol, invite us to explore the mysteries of the galaxies and ask ourselves the existential question: Do we exist? Are we alone in the universe?

Art lovers will not be left out of the exhibitions they can discover: from Machi Xenakis to Lisa Blumen, each space becomes a window open to imagination and beauty. The media space of the Sainte Lucie de Talano Library welcomes Machi Xenakis and Francesca Lantieri, while the Alta Rocca dei Levi Museum displays the works of Lisa Blumen. For those looking for sounds and rhythms, don’t miss the musical performance “Atom to Cosmos”, an immersive audiovisual experience by Orso, Pasqua Pancrazi and Céline Vincent.

Party among the stars

The festival starts with a bang with a fantastic picnic hosted by Caroline Champion, followed by an opening evening where music and science blend harmoniously thanks to Jean-Comme Lanfranchi and Julien Tabrani. Boualem Sansal, Marielle Clemente, Marie-Luce Caligari, Catherine Dufour, Louis-Philippe d’Alembert and Michael Hirsch will be present to enrich the discussions.
Like any good cosmic story, Lire le Monde 2024 will end in style with an evening dedicated to Iannis Xenakis, accompanied by a walk to discover the art installation “Primore” by playwright Antonia Taddei, choreographer and actress Cathy Pollini, and musician and actress Alma Richtman. The event will include an interview with Makhi Xenakis, designer, sculptor and composer, and a performance of “Rebonds”, a work for solo percussionist created by Iannis Xenakis in 1988 in Rome and performed by Adelaide Ferrier, member of the Xenakis Trio.

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Meeting between generations

Beyond the stars and planets, the festival embodies a bridge between generations, where art, science and poetry come together to create a veritable bubble of creativity and contemplation. AltaLeghje continues to prove that culture and art can illuminate our world, while inviting us to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Detailed program on altaleghje.com

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