A candidate for a police position presents herself as a woman and claims her miniature

A candidate for a police position presents herself as a woman and claims her miniature

Another candidate called him a “cheater”. Yuri Archors, peopleimages.com

This candidate, who presented himself in January under his male first name, received the best possible mathematical score on the female scale. Feedback is powerful.


Indisputable rights recognized by law or opportunistic fraud? A candidate for a municipal police station on the outskirts of Madrid, registered as a man in the competition, is asked to be evaluated in sporting events according to the metrics reserved for women. And it raises the first major controversy three weeks after the entry into force of the trans law in Spain. The three departments involved, the municipality of Torrelodones, which wants to recruit six police officers, the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Equality, are working on a hot potato settlement.

Torrelodones City Council, Prefectural Daily reports ABC Who unveiled the case, organized last Tuesday the practical part of the recruitment process for municipal police officers, after the theoretical phase held in January. Among the 54 qualified attendees of the physical examinations, a candidate, who introduced himself in January under his male first name, grabbed a heavy 3-kilogram ball, reserved for women …

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