Why aren't Creuse residents using their digital health space more?

Why aren't Creuse residents using their digital health space more?

The regional tour to promote and present the digital service “My Health Space” made its twelfth and final stop in Creuse, at the CMN of Saint-Feyre.

Rolled out nationally in 2022, Mon Espace Santé is a personal, secure space that allows users to store their health data. Over a year ago, a regional tour was organized to raise public awareness of this digital tool. Last week, the Regional Health Agency of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Health Insurance, France Assos Santé and ESEA went to meet Creusois residents and professionals to discuss Mon Espace Santé.

“Keep all your health documents in your pocket.”

It is now possible to say goodbye to your health record and the mountains of medical papers piling up on your desk. Mon Espace Santé, based on the desire of the state, is a tool that allows every Frenchman to “have access to all his health documents without needing his pockets,” explains Stéphanie Legrand, digital project manager of ARS.
Thanks to this app, the internet and the mobile phone, everything has become somewhat centralised, and an “improved care pathway” according to Stephanie Legrand. The user can access via his Health Space portal the document library, which collects all his health documents, secure citizens' messages, communication with health professionals, the service catalog and notes should be available within a few months.

Tour of the district health district at CMN in Sainte-Feyre.

Meanwhile, the other idea is that all healthcare professionals have access to all care documents that matter to the patient. The circle of care, which is called by this name, is subject to the same rules of medical confidentiality. The system in place should allow specialists not to use additional software, to obtain an overview of the patient's medical file.
After two years of operation, the development of this device still faces some small obstacles. In fact, only 16% of French people today have activated their wellness space. To date, one out of every two documents created by a healthcare professional is filed in the health field. Nouvelle Aquitaine is “a good student but not necessarily a curio,” according to Stephanie Legrand.

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The service is still young

Stephanie Legrand points out aspects that may constitute an obstacle to the democratization of this service. The main concern will be on the technology side. Maybe the digital aspect might turn some people off. 22% of French people aged between 20 and 60 have activated their wellness space. “This is encouraging,” according to the digital project manager, because “it is not far from a quarter of the population. »

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In the face of these difficulties, regional ambassadors were appointed to raise awareness and help people activate their health space. To reassure residents, the digital project manager explains that “the site is very secure against data leakage.” My Health Space is the guarantee of a legal and secure technical and digital framework.
more information. https://www.monespacesante.fr/

Mary Lou Mo

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