Marine Le Pen distances herself from her German partners in the Alternative for Germany party

Marine Le Pen distances herself from her German partners in the Alternative for Germany party

National Rally party leader Marine Le Pen offers her wishes to the press during a press conference on January 25, 2024 in Paris.
Alain Jockard/AFP

The leader of the National Front party expressed her reservations about the continuation of the partnership between her party and the German far-right party, at the heart of the controversy surrounding the call to “restore immigration.”

Marine Le Pen warned her German partners in the Alternative for Germany party on Thursday, January 25, of controversy due to their call for some form of… “Immigration”wondering about “Ability” For the alliance “in the same group” In the Parliament of Strasbourg, as it is today. “We will be asked to discuss important differences like these together and see whether or not these differences have (…) consequences for our ability to ally in the same group.”The French far-right leader was launched during a press conference in Paris.

Alternative for Germany party (“The alternative to Germany”The AfD sparked controversy two weeks ago after the press revealed a meeting involving several of its leaders in November in Potsdam, near Berlin, during which a plan was drawn up for the mass expulsion of foreigners or of foreign origin, including German citizens. It was discussed.

“total disagreement”

For several days, the country has been witnessing massive demonstrations against the party accused of undermining democracy. “I do not completely agree with the proposal that was to be discussed or decided upon during this meeting.”She attacked National Rally Party leader Marine Le Pen on Thursday, saying, for her part, that she was defending “All French nationals, regardless of their conditions for acquiring nationality.”.

“We have never advocated any ‘re-immigration’, in the sense of withdrawing French nationality from people who have acquired it, including under conditions to which we object.”, she added. Currently, Libinian MEPs sit in the same group as AfD members in the Strasbourg parliament. They have also held several joint meetings in recent weeks in light of the European elections scheduled for June 9. “I think we have a blatant opposition to the AfD.”insisted the member for Pas-de-Calais.

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