Shared paths and perspectives on space with Magali Weissier and Philippe Drono: an end-of-year evening for the Friends of Space City

Shared paths and perspectives on space with Magali Weissier and Philippe Drono: an end-of-year evening for the Friends of Space City

The Society of Friends of the Cité de l’espace is organizing an end-of-year evening on Monday 4 December from 7pm at the Cité de l’espace.

Two exceptional certificates in French and European space

In 2023, this evening will be held under the slogan “ In the service of space », the opportunity to share two itineraries and perspectives on French and European space Magali WeissierPresident of IRT Saint-Exupéry, and Philip DronoProject Manager for the Director of the Cité de l’espace.

The two speakers respectively won the 2023 Grand Prize and the 2023 Friends of Space City Award.

Philippe Drono and Magali Vaissière will share their perspective on the current situation and prospects for space in France and Europe. Form a round table to review the big questions: France and Europe, public and private, etc.

The roundtable will be moderated by Gilles Dennis, also known as Gideon, President of the Friends of Space City.

Introducing the speakers

After working from 1981 to 1990 as a signal processing engineer at Thomson-CSF, Magali Weissier He joined Matra Espace to coordinate research until 1995, then held various responsibilities in the field of communications satellites until 2005.

She then joined the European Space Agency as Head of the Space Communications Department and was subsequently appointed Director of Communications and Integrated Applications and then Director of the European Space Applications and Communications Centre, which is one of the ESA institutions in the United Kingdom. On March 24, 2021, she became president of the Saint-Exupery Institute of Technological Research (IRT). Magalie Vaissière is a member of the France 2030 Ministerial Steering Committee on Space.

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Philip Drono He is currently Project Manager for the Director General of the Cité de l’espace in Toulouse. He previously served as Director of Audiences, Deputy Director of Programs, Chief of Science Mediation, and Head of Animation Service. Prior to the Space Park’s opening in June 1997, he was part of the museum design team between 1994 and 1997.

Passionate about space, Philip Drewno was an associate of the Air and Space Academy between 1984 and 1997. In 1988, he co-created and coordinated the Patrick Baudry Space Camp with former astronaut Patrick Baudry, in Toulouse and then in Cannes.

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  • Monday, December 4, 2023, at the Cité de l’espace, in the Imax theatre.
  • Open to all, upon prior registration here.
  • Participants will be received from 6:15 pm

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