Specifically strengthening women

Specifically strengthening women


(Kim) The motto of this year’s Women’s Weeks is: “A little different, just as important!” It is organized by the Women’s Plenum, an association of women’s groups, organizations, initiatives and associations in Schweinfurt, the IBF, the KuK and the Equal Opportunity Officer in the city of Schweinfurt. Given the current situation, it is very likely that there will be changes related to Corona in the program schedule and access conditions on the site. Information is always first under the phone number provided at the event, for a specific contact below the phone number. (0 97 21) 51-68 60 or email: [email protected].

City march

Friday from 5 to 19 March. An independent event on Corona is the City Caucus in the City District, initiated by the Specialized Counseling Center for Domestic and Sexual Violence – Women Help Women eV Schweinfurt, which revolves around feminist themes, mysteries and tasks. Knowledge of many exciting topics is required here. Registration is possible from now until the end of the ladies’ weeks at [email protected]. After registering, instructions on exactly what to do will be sent to you via email. If the questions are answered correctly, the specified letters form the answer word. A total of ten questions must be answered in different locations, always observing distance regulations.

Back school

Friday 12 and 19 March, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Multicultural Encounters Center in Al-Muntazah, Intercultural Meeting Center for Women H. V. presents a small back school under the slogan “Strong Back – Strong Women”. Simple exercises are taught to strengthen the back muscles. After any possible relaxation, the free outdoor show can be held on Friday, 12 and 19 March, subject to current Corona regulations. Registration under the phone. (0 97 21) 5 41 98 18 or [email protected]. Bring comfortable clothes.

Financial fitness for women

Friday, March 5, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM, digitally zoomed in / out Although women are better educated than ever, it is not easy for the majority of the female population to maintain their economic independence. This is because they do a large portion of unpaid housework, nurturing, and care work. As a working person, they often work part-time or are looking for a suitable professional contact after a choppy career. In a virtual lecture, Birgit Abel will lecture on the economic position of women: Do women deal with money differently? What are the financial implications of part-time work and a choppy employment history? How do you recognize strong financial advice? How do you develop a personal financial strategy? Birgit Abel, Financial Education Expert, Equality and Equal Opportunity Adviser and Board Member of the Finanzkompetenz eV Prevention Network provides information and answers to questions. Zoom is used for online event. The day before, interested parties will receive a link to the event. If you have any questions about technology, you will get advice over the phone. Registrations by 1st of March under the phone number. (0 97 21) 7 30 30 20 or [email protected]. Responsible person: Christiane Fellows.

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International Day of Prayer

Friday, March 5th, the places and times of the day can be found in the daily newspapers. Women of all denominations invite you to pray on International Day of Prayer: Vanuatu “What are we building on?” This year, the International Day of Prayer comes from the paradise of the southern seas in Vanuatu. Blue sea with exotic fish, coral reefs, dream beaches, tropical rainforests with an abundance of fruits. Vanuatu’s 83 islands lie somewhere between Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Nevertheless, Vanuatu ranks first in the Global Risks Report. No country in the world is more at risk of natural disasters like earthquakes, eddy currents and volcanic eruptions than this small country. Added to this is sea level rise due to climate change. What are we building on? What sustains our lives when everything vibrates? This is what women in service ask.

Ladies breakfast

Saturday, March 6, 9 am, digital event “What did Corona do to us / me?” Nobody expected that. The virus is spreading all over the world and greatly affecting daily life for months. How does this affect the family, at work, in your spare time? You want to talk to each other about related experiences. Registration: [email protected].

Enjoy reading in an easy language

Saturday, March 6, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., OBA, 18th Street Obere There are still too many difficult texts that a large number of people do not understand. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities established the rules for applying difficult language. In Diaconi’s Open Disabled Work, a test group was formed for the ease of language, which wanted to present itself at an event. However, due to connection restrictions, this cannot be done on site. Now OBA is designing a presentation with articles on this topic.

Roses distribution

Saturday, March 6, from 12:00 noon, Downtown The women of The Verde want to stick to their tradition of handing out roses.

Amnesty International

Saturday, 6 March, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Spitalstrasse / corner of Kronengasse, Amnesty International’s Schweinfurt Group booth on the topic of forced marriage in Iraq.

Suppressive worship

Sunday, March 7, 10 a.m., St. Kilian’s Catholic Women’s Social Service and the Deanship of the Protestant Church hold a cumulative service titled “Deborah – Why Do You Sometimes Take a Bee Sting?” Information from the Saint Kilian Parish Office, phone number. (0 97 21) 2 14 66.

Women in art

Sunday, March 7th, International Women’s Day, video at www.museumgeorgschaefer.de Goethe’s metaphor of the “immortal female” developed into an integral part of European art and culture after being met with enthusiasm in France. Today, many interpretations relate to eternal femininity: a woman as a dream bride, as a protective mother, as an ancient goddess, as a princess or companion, as a modern nude model, as a kitchen maid, even as a destructive mate. “A female killer”. They are images of women that coincide at the same time with masculine notions of femininity. A video can be viewed on the George Schaeffer Museum website.

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Monday, March 8, 10 a.m. Border Efficiency Center, Digital Personality # Strung – An inside experience with pictures and words. The association’s clients present their gifs and texts that are hidden under your skin. It is the woman who is aggressive and creative dealing with personality disorder. Artists are ready to talk about their work and experiences. Since vernissage probably cannot happen due to connection restrictions, there is live broadcasts via Facebook and Zoom. The information is under the phone. (0 97 21) 6 75 78 62, [email protected], www.planb-ev.org.

Political women

Monday, March 8, 7 p.m., KuK Schweinfurt, Ignaz-Schn-Str. 32 women politicians – yesterday and today, on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Rosa Luxemburg. The event should be canceled due to connection restrictions.

Women and the poverty of old age

Tuesday, March 9, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, digitally zoomed in What is the greatest risk to poverty in Germany: being female and being old? This will be discussed in the lecture “Women and the elderly are poverty”. At the end of their working lives, women are often left with pensions barely enough to ensure their survival. This is what Dr. Elizabeth Jinshke, Head of the Department of Psycho-Neuropsychological Oncology and Geriatric Therapy at the Main Main Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC MF) at the University Hospital of Wrzburg and in the Clinic for Neurology and Neurosurgery with the Comprehensive Clinic. Registration under the phone. (01 51) 12 70 29 82 or [email protected].

Pregnancy counseling

Wednesday, March 10, 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Jugendhaus Frnz, Franz-Schubert-Str. 26 If communication restrictions permit, there will be conversations for parents about pregnancy and childbirth, children’s puppet theater with Ali Bittner “The Little Raven Sock” at 3 pm, and information and registration via SkF, Tel.-No. (0 97 21) 20 95 83.

IG Metall celebrates Women’s Day

Thursday March 11th, 6:00 pm event postponed to summer.

The woman becomes visible

Fri, March 12, 4pm until 5:30 pm Hl.-Geist-Kirche / Schultestrae Entrance Female City Tour, Part 2 with guest guide Claudia Hilderfer (see page 26), € 10, tickets only Advance sale at Tourist Information Schweinfurt 360, phone number. (0 97 21) 51 36 00.

Day of equal pay

Saturday, March 13, 11 a.m., south side of Market Square, union information booth on the topic “Women still get paid less than men for work of equal value in many fields”. There will be demonstrations against this unequal treatment on the occasion of Equal Pay Day.

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Women’s movie park

Sunday, March 14, 12 noon, KuK, Ignaz-Schn-Str. 32 The Kuk Kino and the Equal Opportunity Office invite you to the Women’s Film Distribution Gala. The announcement of films from the beginning of March www.kuk-kino.de. Admission: 7 euros.

Women and the medical profession

Monday, March 15th, 7 pm, my digital event for the Office of Equal Opportunities with four doctors reporting on their careers in managerial positions in Schweinfurt and discussing future models about women and careers in medicine. Moderation Ursula Lux. Registration under the phone. +49 97 21 51 68 60.

Studies and initiation

Tuesday, March 16, 4:30 pm, Campus FH, Carus-Allee / Franz-Schubert-Str entrance. Study and start as a super lady? Where American soldiers once lived and tanks rolled around, young people today can study, do business and picnic in Schweinfurters through the greenery. The former site of the Ledward Barracks has been barely known since the Americans left. What also happened at the site where American soldiers were stationed can be seen on a two-hour stroll through the new campus. You can find out what opportunities are available to students in Schweinfurt, what the startup scene is and how this site should develop further. Due to the number of participants and the unclear case of Corona, register under tel. (0 97 21) 9 47 70 or send an email to [email protected].

Firmness for women

Wednesday, March 17, from 6 to 7 pm, SWK SW Kyokushin e. V., Heckenweg 36, Emphasis means affirming one’s position with confidence and determination. Defending one’s rights is taught and maintaining one’s own boundaries, and effective defense techniques are trained verbally and with physical effort. This free show with karate teacher and coach Dimitrij Vidinen is suitable for women of all ages and fitness levels – a first step towards emerging clear and confident in a professional and private environment. Bring casual clothes and something to drink. Registration under the phone. (01 71) 30 20 14.

The Pink Project!

Friday, March 19, 7 pm and 9 pm, Disharmonie is an amazing literary and musical evening marking the 150th birth anniversary of Rosa Luxemburg. With Birgit SS (Lyrics / Vocals) and Klaus Ratzik (Double Bass / Tuba). The project “Rosa!” To bring the many exciting and fascinating aspects of Rosa Luxemburg to the stage, a woman with contradictions who still – or even now – seems exceptionally topical. Tickets under the phone. (0 97 21) 2 88 95.

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