This is the unstoppable trick to get kids to eat more vegetables according to science

This is the unstoppable trick to get kids to eat more vegetables according to science

Food and gastronomy

This is valuable information for a number of parents!

Some kids naturally like vegetables. In other families, getting your kids to swallow it is a real chore. However, they are essential for a healthy and balanced diet. Fortunately, US researchers have found a simple and unstoppable trick to get your kids to eat more carrots, zucchini, broccoli…

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No need to add salt or butter

The study in question was conducted by a team from Pennsylvania State University in the United States. Posted in National Library of MedicineThe research was conducted on 67 children between the ages of 3 and 5 years. She points out that it is not the taste of the vegetables but the quantity on the plate that allows young people to eat more of them. The experiment was based on the consumption of corn and broccoli.

When the amount was doubled evenly, the children ate an average of 68% more vegetables. On the other hand, when butter and salt are added, kids don’t eat more. So you don’t have to try to make your vegetables tastier by adding these ingredients. It is enough just to increase the portions of food! In the respective experiment, they were doubled

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