50,000 at a concert.  “There are no cases in the country”

50,000 at a concert. “There are no cases in the country”

Covid, New Zealand begins again: 50,000 in concert.

at new Zeland, With more than 50,000 spectatorsYesterday evening, April 24, Concerto Larger than the epidemic. No spacing, no masks, just rock and big party. This appears to be the published scenario Coronavirus disease Checked out for the scientist from New Zealand. The same tweet in which the Ministry of Health relays the case of infection takes surreal tones that are read from the distant European continent: “There were no Covid cases to report,” according to the memo.

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New Zealand appears to be the envy of the world with its return to normal. Yesterday evening, 50,000 flocked to Eden Park in central Auckland to attend the concert of Six60, a six-member band whose tour began after the restrictions were lifted. The band won a place in history by posting a snapshot of the stadium full and writing on their Instagram profile: “The next time they tell you it’s impossible. Show them this. Thanks Oakland. ‘

Singer Matthew Walters said the group would like to see other bands around the world able to return to the stage: “We know what it is like to be in isolation. It sucked. He said in an interview before the show, we didn’t know if we would be able to play again.” “But we’re fortunate, for some reason, here in New Zealand.”

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Finally, the event is in the Colosseum but you can’t see it: The site is blocked. Registration is available until Saturday

There are no cases of Covid in New Zealand

According to the New Zealand Ministry of Health, “Today, no new cases of coronavirus were reported in the community and no new positive cases were reported in the managed isolation.” The small country of about 5 million people has been praised for its victory over the Coronavirus after it eliminated the disease.

According to MailOnline reports, of the nearly 3.1 million people who died from Covid-19 worldwide, only 26 were from New Zealand, which also recorded a total of only 2,600 cases. The country took a similar approach to neighboring Australia in tackling the deadly virus, quickly blocking areas for days in response to even the smallest outbreaks.

Last updated: 16:27

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