“5 Zimmer Küche Sarg” premieres in Germany – fernsehserien.de

“5 Zimmer Küche Sarg” premieres in Germany – fernsehserien.de

The American series “What We Do in the Shadows” about a distinguished group of vampires is a hit in New York City. It is a series of remakes of the movie “The Kitchen Ark of 5 Rooms”: the film revolves around a similar share of a vampire’s apartment in Wellington, New Zealand. The 2014 film spawned a spin-off in New Zealand in 2018 now coming to Germany: Wellington Paranormal.

The German premiere will take place on October 12 on Sky Comedy: two episodes of season one will be released every Tuesday from 8:15pm. Season two will air on Sky Comedy on November 2, and season three will follow on November 23. On the day of the inaugural season premiere, the full season (six episodes each) is made available for download via Sky Q and Sky Ticket.

Three seasons of Mockumentary have now been broadcast in New Zealand, and the fourth is in post-production. As in “5 Zimmer Küche Coffin”, New Zealand creative team Jemaine Clement (known from the HBO series “Flight of the Conchords”) and Taika Waititi (simultaneously an Academy Award winner for the screenplay of “Jojo Rabbit”, the film’s director) Marvel and “Star Wars”) are behind the series.

The figure shows everyday police life in Wellington – under the premise that many supernatural beings such as vampires, aliens, ghosts and the like are there and have been increasingly harmed in recent years. Two of the three main characters in the series – Officers Kyle Minogue (Mike Minogue) and O’Leary (Karen O’Leary) – are already seen on the sidelines in the “5-room kitchen coffin”.

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You are now in “Wellington Paranormal” for Sergeant Ruawai Maaka (Maaka Pohatu) to get the new paranormal unit Recruits and investigate alleged supernatural cases – always with the camera team documenting the cases and the crap of the investigators.

Trailer for the movie “Wellington Paranormal” (English)


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