4 years in prison for an activist accused of criticizing the king

4 years in prison for an activist accused of criticizing the king

On Monday, April 25, Moroccan activist Rabih Al-Ablaq was sentenced to four years in prison on charges of “”insultTowards King Mohammed VI on social media, we learned from his defense.

The Court of First Instance in Al Hoceima (North) sentenced Rabie Al-Ablaq to four years in prison for insulting the king by electronic means.”, told AFP his lawyer, Abdel-Majid Azaria.

Criticism of “social inequality” and corruption

This 35-year-old citizen activist and journalist will also have to pay a fine of 20,000 dirhams (1,900 euros). His lawyer announced his intention to appeal. Rabih al-Ablaq appeared free before the Al Hoceima court, where his trial began on April 11. The defendant was tried for publishing itVideos criticizing social disparities and corruptionAccording to his lawyer.I was shocked by this ruling because he (Rabee Al-Ablaq) only expressed his opinion.

“Punishing peaceful criticism of those in power is a clear violation of the right to freedom of expression.”

Human Rights Watch

I take it it did no harm to the institution (property).According to Human Rights Watch, the indictment came from two videos posted on Facebook and YouTube in September and November showing Rabih al-Ablaq.He addressed the king in a familiar tone, emphasizing the contrast between his personal wealth and the spread of poverty in Morocco“.

Punishing peaceful criticism of those in power is a clear violation of the right to freedom of expressionIn a recent press release, the human rights NGO said it called for the charges against the activist to be dropped. In 2018, Rabih al-Ablaq was imprisoned and then sentenced to five years in prison for participating in a protest movement that provoked the Moroccan Rif region (north) in 2016-2017 before being pardoned by the king in 2020.

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Another Moroccan human rights activist, Saida El Alami, 48, who has been regularly posting posts critical of the authorities on social media, was arrested on March 23 and is being tried for “”Contempt for public officials in the performance of their duties“,”a violation of justice” And “Spreading false allegations“.The verdict is expected on Friday.

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