4 tips for learning to ask your partner for space

4 tips for learning to ask your partner for space

How do you tell your partner that you need space? We understand that this task may be difficult. As a reminder, making time for yourself is essential to thriving in your life, but also in your relationship. It's important to indulge in luxurious moments alone, so that you can also flourish as a couple.

How do you distance yourself from your other half?

While one might think that “asking for space” from your other half is often synonymous with the end of a relationship, it can actually be a much more positive thing. As mentioned VeryWellMindHaving space in your relationship generally results in a healthy, balanced, and lasting life as a couple. Here are some tips to discuss the matter honestly with your other half, without taking the situation the wrong way.

As a reminder, “taking up space” does not mean: not seeing your partner at all. It's more about taking time for yourself, showing independence and being independent. the goal ? Reconnect with yourself as much as possible to feel good and build healthy relationships. When we lack space, it can lead to tension and fragility within the relationship and – in the long run – lead to separation. This is not what we want. is not it ?

1/ Connect with your other half

As mentioned VeryWellMindIn order to ask for space from your other half, you must share your feelings honestly. It's important to talk about your needs in the relationship. Moreover, this desire for space can also awaken feelings of insecurity in the partner, so it is important to be aware of this so as not to hurt the other: “It's essential to promote everyone's safety and co-create clear expectations for communication and communication during this time of separation. You can be honest about your needs while recognizing your responsibility to always be there for each other.quoted by the media.

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2/ Establishing a relationship of trust

Whoever says communication, ideally says: build trust. If we want to distance ourselves by allowing ourselves some time alone, there must be trust between the spouses. Trust is demonstrated by sharing one's emotions and feelings, by communicating adequately with the other half and without cutting off contact with the partner.

3/ Support your partner to thrive on their own.

If you see that it is difficult for your other half to take the same distance that you would like to keep, make him understand that you are still by his side. how ? By helping her find activities that can benefit her and make her thrive on her own: such as exercising, going out with friends, and participating in different events.

4/ Banish desire

Another tip for living this distance as best you can: keep wanting. Just because you don't spend 24 hours of time with your other half, you can't turn up the temperature. Taking distance also allows you to maintain your relationship and desire. The reunion only got better after that. Without forgetting the fact that distance can limit routine.

As you will understand, distancing yourself from your relationship is not a negative thing, quite the opposite. This can allow you to deeply reconnect with yourself, and then thrive together even more.

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