2023 FIFA Women's World Cup Song: Official Song of the World Cup and “We Are One” by Caroline Kipkos
Zu jeder Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft gehören Songs, mit denen die Fans in Stimmung kommen sollen. Doch wer singt das Lied der Frauen-WM 2023 in Australien und Neuseeland und wie heißt es?
An official World Cup song will once again be heard across stadiums at the 2023 Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand.
Sebastian Gollnau/dpa
Bei vielen großen Sportereignissen werden heutzutage passende Lieder und Soundtracks veröffentlicht. Nicht selten sind auf diesen Songs Weltstars der Musikbranche zu hören. Auch bei der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2023 der Frauen in Australien und Neuseeland gibt es wieder ein offizielles Lied der FIFA. Nach dem Hickhack um die Übertragung der Frauen-WM hat auch die ARD einen offiziellen WM-Song vorgestellt: „Wir Ihr Alle Eins“ wird gesungen von Carolin Kebekus.
Official Song of the 2023 Women's World Cup: “Unity” by Kelly Lee Owens
At the tournament’s branding presentation ceremony in October 2021, FIFA performed the song ““Unity” by Welsh electronic musician Kelly Lee OwensThe 1:48-minute song is an instrumental and combines electro beats with Kelly Lee Owens' vocals.
ARD Women's World Cup Song: “We Are All One” by Caroline Kipkos
As with most World Cups, other unofficial World Cup songs are composed in the run-up to and during the World Cup. Around July, ARD presented Caroline Kipkos's “Wir Ihr Alle Eins” as the station's official soundtrack for the Women's World Cup.
The song was premiered on the “Carolin Kebekus Show” commissioned by WDR. Vice-Champions Lena Magull, Lea Schuler, Clara Pohl, Sydney Lohmann, Nicole Anomie, Sophia Kleinhern and Sara Dorson also appear in the accompanying music video.
Quebecois: World Cup song planned as moral support
Caroline Kébekus is not only a comedian, she is also a passionate football fan. Rhinelander recently explained that she had not planned for the song to be an official song. “When we recorded the song, it was not yet clear whether the Women’s World Cup would be broadcast in Germany. Everything was up in the air. At the time, we made this song as moral support: if it wasn’t broadcast, there should at least be a song. And now it has been chosen as the official song of ARD – that’s great, we’re really happy.”
Women's World Cup: PDF to download, print and fill out
When will Germany play in the 2023 Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand? You can print the entire World Cup fixtures as a free PDF download.
When will Germany play in the Women's World Cup?
When will the German national team play in the 2023 Women's World Cup? Dates and schedule of the German national football team matches in the World Cup.
Stadiums and Playgrounds in Australia and New Zealand
The 2023 Women's World Cup is set to be held in Australia and New Zealand. Which stadiums will the matches be played in? Venues at a glance.
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