10 Scientists Who Shaped 2021

10 Scientists Who Shaped 2021

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz for six years has been Special Rapporteur United Nations on the rights of indigenous peoples. He is credited with little talk about the success of COP26: a pledge of $1.7 billion, from wealthy countries and dozens of charitable organizations, to help indigenous peoples around the world conserve forests and biodiversity. the earth. temper nature He notes that Victoria Tawley Corpuz, who represents herself as an indigenous people in the Philippines, “has spent years traveling the world to convince governments, ecologists and charities that indigenous peoples are the best stewards of forests and more. Key places for biodiversity – something that has been validated.” recently through the scientific literature.

Millions of kilometers away, the successful arrival, in February 2021, of a Chinese probe and its rover on Mars was much less dangerous, but it reminds us that the landscape of space exploration is changing, at the same rate as geopolitical changes: only the United States has so far managed to shoot down a rover on Mars . In addition to the fact that the Tianwen-1 mission involved, for its director, Zhang Rongqia, coordinating tens of thousands of people, persuading and taking responsibility for a mission that involved three machines – the rotorcraft, the spacecraft and the orbiter – an ambitious combination of a country that had never crossed the moon before. The car is now heading to an area of ​​Mars that may have been the ocean shore a long time ago.

Six out of 10 women

It should also be noted that 6 out of 10 choices temper nature of women. Next to Tauli-Corpuz:

  • Timnit Gebr, who works on the ethics of artificial intelligence – one he owed, in particular, a few years ago, for drawing attention to the fact that facial recognition software I worked less with non-whites;
  • Winnie Byanyima, Leader of the Fight for a More Equitable Distribution of Coronavirus Vaccines in Southern Countries;
  • Frederic Otto, global expert on extreme weather events and their attribution of human impact or not, through the World Weather Attribution Group she co-founded in 2015;
  • Megan Cal, the British epidemiologist who became a ‘COVID communicator’ in 2021 and a role model for public health agencies around the world who have faced both scientists who are not always good extension workers, and both for policies that do not always facilitate transparency;
  • Janet Woodcock, who, in the midst of the global health crisis, became the director of the US agency responsible for approving medicines – including vaccines.
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