Zorbing, everything you need to know about this activity

Zorbing, everything you need to know about this activity

He. She Zorbing It is a fun activity that has been established for several years also here in Italy.

Mainly practiced in mountainous areas, With the benefit of descending relief into a heavily contoured roll Transparent ball. The activity name is specifically derived from a ball, Which is called in English Zorb. It was invented in 1994 by the brothers David E. Andrew Akers.

If the region does not allow it, then it can always be exercised Zorbing Even in the apartment, where people clearly have a specialty Control the movements of the ball. Instead, the managers are countless Theme pitches They made slopes of metal and wood, but they also made inflatable stairs, replacing the natural slopes of the hills.

Zorbing in the Guinness Book of Records

2006 was a particularly rewarding year for this activity. In fact, they date back to this year Ben Tre Log: The first is a ride It has long been inside the ballAnd the Something like 570 meters, With the record currently maintained by Steve Camp; If we want Keith Colfer to have reached a more exciting stage, It reaches a speed of 52 km / h While still to this day the fastest excursion in zorbing history; Finally, the third and final record set in 2006 belonged to Andrew Flintoff, who was able to cover the 100 meters in just 26.59 seconds.

Fires in the History of Zorbing

From the middle 1990s Up until now, zorbing has earned a reputation as a leisure sportSafe and fun. However, this does not mean that, as in all sports, there is no room for risk. In 2009 a teacher died and his student was seriously injured.

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Four years later in A man from the Caucasus died after losing control of the Zorb in a mountain resortAnd the Then you collide with rocks. Another man was also with him, who was seriously injured but managed to save himself.

The most beautiful places to practice zorbing in Italy

Zorbing founders, aforementioned Duane van der Slais and Andrew Akers, They are originally from new ZelandAs nature provides countless possibilities for the practice of this activity. In Italy instead? There are two places of reference: Val di Sole, in Trentino-Alto Adige, and Norcia, in Umbria, in the shadow of the Sibillini Mountains.

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