Worlds cycling: Robbe Ghys and Lindsay De Vylder 4 in Madison, one wheel away from gold

Worlds cycling: Robbe Ghys and Lindsay De Vylder 4 in Madison, one wheel away from gold

After the Belgians Robbe Ghys and Lindsay De Vylder held one of the top two spots throughout the race until the last second, they settled for fourth place in the Madison finale, the American race, the World Cycling Championships, on Tuesday night in Glasgow.

Leading from the start of the race, after winning the first two races, the Belgian duo finished second (30 points) before a final race that doubled the points after 200 laps of the event (50 kilometres). Ghys finished only fourth in this 20th race (two points), one wheel behind the second-place Briton who could have, by a narrow margin, delivered the title to Belgium.

Jan Willem van Skipp and Joweri Havick (Netherlands) are world champions with 37 points ahead of Britons Mark Stewart and Oliver Wood (35) and New Zealanders Aaron Jett and Stuart Campbell (34). Guess de Wildere and Lindsay De Wildere fell short of two podium points (32) … They also knew that the medal had eluded them during the interview with our team-mates from Spurza, after the race, when they thought they had stayed on the podium.

If Ghys had managed to cross the last enemy line ahead of the British and Dutch (played on a wheel), his chocolate medal would have turned into a gold medal. anger. And at the same time a fan of one year of the Olympiad.

Lindsey De Wildere and Rob Gaze learned during the interview that they had fallen off the catwalk.
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