Work on the Le Foirail space has officially launched

Work on the Le Foirail space has officially launched

“Finally, the space of Le Foirail will take shape.” Mayor José Balaguer did not hide his relief, Friday, April 15, while laying the first stone for the future municipal building…

“Finally, the space of Le Foirail will take shape.” Mayor José Balaguer did not hide his relief, Friday, April 15, while laying the first stone of the future municipal building. “The installation of the first concrete blocks is certainly symbolic, but it is the beginning of effective work,” stressed the first advisor, In front of the invited dignitaries were Michel Masset, Senator for Lot and Garonne, Julie Castelo and Aymeric Dupuy, Provincial Councilors of the Canton, Raymond Girardi, President of the Communes des Cotteaux and Landes de Gascones (CCCLG), and Béatrice Lafitte, President of the Cayes d'Alignments Fund Family Association (CAF), Marjorie Lassus, Mayor of Guerin, and Daniel Farrugia, Vice Mayor of Bosinac.

Services received

The project to build this social living space, in place of the old La Poste building, was born in 2022. The company, which became a municipal postal agency in 2009, was founded there in 1974; The building consists of an office and staff accommodation. Since the old building was declared unsanitary, services have been provided in a small building next door.

The future building, which is expected to open at the end of 2024, will include the following services: post office, library, French services agency, health office, a hall for activities and personal reception and an exhibition hall. In addition, the buildings occupied by telephone service must, within two to three years, allow other economic activities and the reception of public toilets.

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“This will be your state project,” Raymond Girardi praised. For her part, Julie Castillo praised “this beautiful multi-generational project in a former canton.” Michel Massé stressed that “rural areas still have a role to play.” Beatrice Lafitte confirmed that CAF was a “happy financier”.

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