Women’s Rugby World Cup.  There will be a French woman in the final in New Zealand

Women’s Rugby World Cup. There will be a French woman in the final in New Zealand

In addition to the French fans in Auckland, there will be a French lady at Eden Park on Sunday.
In addition to the Auckland tricolor fans, a Frenchwoman will be present at Eden Park in the Women’s World Cup Final. (© Illustration/IconSport)

COCK-A-DOODLE DOO! even if blue you won’t see the 2021 World Cup Final (postponed to 2022 due to covid), after losing for the third time In the half against New Zealand (25-24) Saturday 5 NovemberThe French rugby He will still be represented in the World Cup Final, on Saturday 12 November (7:30am), at Eden Park in Auckland.

More precisely, it is the French referee who will find himself on the surface of the rugby world with the appointment ofAurelie Grosello (33 years old) assistant referee for the final match between New ZealandAnd the defending champion andEngland1time world nation.

Grosello: “A great moment at a legendary stadium”

La Rochelaise Aurélie Groizeleau, a former international 15th (5 picks) and seventh (7 picks) who turned to arbitration after breaking his knee cruciate ligaments in 2007 and March agriculture profession She expressed her pride in being on the jury for this global final: “Participation in this World Cup was already in itself a strong event for me, but I was appointed in the final as an assistant referee, what is more in this legendary stadium (Eden Park) is a The most powerful moment, so incredible. Of course, I can’t wait to be there, and to share this moment with family, friends and judges who are on the other side of the world in France, everything is ready to make it a great rugby moment! »

He’s Scottish Holly Davidson Who will be the central referee for this final between New Zealand and England for what will be 26e An international test of his career. She would go down in history by becoming the first woman to referee a Rugby World Cup Finals on the 15th and 8th. Fantastic feat achieved in just 62 days. The other assistant referee will be Amy Barrett Theron of South Africa (South Africa), while Welchman Ben Whitehouse will be the video referee (TMO). Also note that the small final for the bronze medal between France and Canada will be led by the English Sarah Cox (England), accompanied by Joy Neville (Ireland) and Lauren Jenner (New Zealand) as assistant referees and Ian Tempest (England) as TMO.

La Rochelaise Aurelie Groizeleau, who used to drive the Pro D2 and Women's 6 Nations Tournament matches, will play her first global final.
Aurelie Groizeleau used to lead the Pro D2 and Women’s 6 Nations matches, and was able to experience her first World Final. (© Icon Sport)

“Excellent news for French women arbitration and promotion of professions”

This is excellent news for the French Ladies Judging. Welcome Frank Masilow, Technical Director of National Arbitration (DTNA). “This appointment for O’Reilly clearly rewards her career and above all demonstrates the confidence the rugby world places in her, and we are very proud of that. Also, we all have an idea of ​​the Blues for whom the adventure has ended in two, referring to women’s rugby, Both between the players and the referees, she has a bright future ahead of her.”

Cette désignation d’Aurélie Groizeleau comme arbitre assistante pour la finale Nouvelle Zélande–Angleterre, qui intervient 3 ans après celle de Jérôme Garces comme arbitre de la finale masculine lors du Mondial japonais de japonais des été d’étrés dérère versé d’érère versé d’érère versé d’érère auxiliary. high level.

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“Let us now hope that the career of Aurélie Groizeleau, but also Doriane Domenjo during this World Cup, inspires young women to embark on the adventure of refereeing, which in itself is easy. As an email to [email protected] Wishes to add Frank Masello, the former Top 14 and Pro D2 referee who succeeded Joël Dumé at the helm of the National Technical Administration of Arbitration (DTNA) since 1Verse July 2019.

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