Windows 10 21H2: Feature Update News

Windows 10 21H2: Feature Update News

Windows 11 It will debut later this year, but many users won’t be able to install the update because their devices aren’t compatible with Minimum hardware requirements. Fortunately, Microsoft will support files Windows 10 Until October 2025. Redmond unveiled the major innovations included in the next ‘Feature Update’ and released Building 19044.1147 (21H2) For subscribers of the Release Preview Channel for the Insider Program. Also available New build of Windows 11 In the dev channel.

Windows 10 21H2: Three new features

Windows 10 21H2 will include three major innovations that improve the productivity, management, and security of the operating system. The first is support WPA3 H2E Standard for WiFi networks. H2E (Hash-to-Element) is a technology that provides greater protection against side channel attacks. Windows Hello for Business “Passwordless Publishing” will be available to businesses only.

Finally, the Support for GPUs in WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). It will then be possible to harness the power of the video card to increase performance and perform more intense tasks. However, a GPU compatible with the DirectX 12 libraries is required.

La build 9044.1147 (21H2), Available In the Release Preview channel, it does not include this news, but only various bug fixes. Windows 10 21H2 will be distributed via Windows Update with the same technology used for monthly updates, so the installation process will be fast.

Microsoft has also released a file Build 22000.71 on Windows 11. The main novelty is the “Entertainment” tool (only in some countries) that shows movies available on the Microsoft Store. Added “Acrylic” effect (transparency) to context menus. Finally, the previews in the taskbar are now rounded corners.

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