“Why won’t you escape from the Grand Reset, but how can you prepare for it!”  » Editorial by Charles Sanat

“Why won’t you escape from the Grand Reset, but how can you prepare for it!” » Editorial by Charles Sanat

My dear sassy, ​​dear sassy, ​​dear shameless, dear shameless,

We talk a lot about the Grand Reset, while we fantasize about it a lot. Grand Reset is undoubtedly the other name to designate the fundamental process of reorganizing the world and our economic model in particular dictated by the need for environmental transformation.

We have entered a world where we have to manage scarcity and pollution and shift our economic model from mass production and consumption to something else.

This other thing is not clear, the world is groping.

If we listen to Greta, the future will be dark, sad and frustrating.

In the short term, we must choose what we can and want to grow like knowledge, knowledge, rational agriculture, sustainable agriculture, or even science and technology, while we will reduce consumption that is not really meaningful or useful, consumption that exceeds a certain limit. The stage no longer brings happiness because excess rest has only marginal benefit.

But in the long run we should not have an unfortunate decline! exactly the contrary.

We must maintain and grow our ambitions for a future that we want better, humane, and benevolent, but also towards adventure, creativity and innovation.

Leave a planet in good shape to our children just fine, but let’s not forget either leaving children in good shape for our planet, so that they invent, think, and process, so that they create a world of opportunity and success.

It is not a stunted society of environmentalists where man is seen only as the problem that must be eradicated.

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The big reset is going to happen, but we have to discuss the terms very hard.

On the one hand, depressed people who think man is the problem who suffer from environmental anxiety, who are no longer moving, nihilists, it’s all gone, it’s the end, we’re all going to die.

On the other hand, those who believe that humanity is better than that, that we are sometimes the problem but also often the solution.

There is no determinism whatsoever and anything imaginable can be done and is no doubt accomplished.

The big reset will be done because we have no choice.

Perhaps one day we will go to exploit the moon, no doubt we will catch asteroids that do not pass very far, and then, because they are in us, because man always wants more, we will try to go to Mars before going further if we are not put out before. On all of these topics, teams work all over the world. One day we will have B planets.

We will undoubtedly have to hold out for a long time before we cross the limits of our planet.

To this extent, we must therefore take care of our common home and redefine our economic and production models.

They are selling it to us and want to impose on us a dramatic view of this decline. With Pierre Rabhi happy sobriety. For others, voluntary simplicity.

Did not matter.

We don’t have to lock ourselves up and let ourselves be locked away in a lethal, anti-human, frustrated, stunted and sad environment.

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We can and should always dream of an exciting world without denying the challenges we face and which we can eventually face with relative ease.

Reduce our consumption, make the products extra durable, buy much less, and travel as infrequently as we did before mass air transport (in the 1980s for example).

In short, we can act, but nothing compels us to do so with antidepressants at hand.

Beyond these considerations, from an economic point of view, this environmental shift involving new economic paradigms will wreak havoc on our daily lives and change the way we live. Nor is there any guarantee that our friendly elites and other leaders will be able to direct this transformation. They may miss everything as often as they used to.

Which is why, better understand, in my opinion, that this major reset is going to be imposed on all of us whether we want to or not, we probably won’t be able to do much, but we can and should discuss it. conditions, and we can prepare for them, too.

That’s the point of my October strategy file “Why You Won’t Run A Big Reset But How You Can Prepare Yourself” where I go back to the different possible major resets and what we can buy to anticipate as well as the major upcoming trends implied by this big reset that scare the biggest number. All information here.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

get ready !

Charles Sannat

“rudeness” in Latin means “rudeness”
to write to me [email protected]to write to my wife [email protected]

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You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter “Strategies” which will allow you to move forward and in which I share with you the concrete solutions that need to be implemented to prepare yourself for the world next. These solutions are centered around the PEL approach – Heritage, Employment and Location. The idea is to share with you the means and methods to build your personal and family resilience.

“By our desire to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable.” (John F. Kennedy)

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