Why NASA predicts ‘catastrophic floods’ in 2030

Why NASA predicts ‘catastrophic floods’ in 2030

The NASAAfter collaborating with the University of Hawaii, he released a study – later published in the journal The nature of climate change About a possible future catastrophe Which will happen during the year 2030 and will affect the Earth, but also the Moon.

In particular, the study talks about flooding. But let’s see in detail the study that was conducted and also why NASA expects some Catastrophic floods in 2030.

Study NASA in collaboration with the University of Hawaii

The study was published in the journal The nature of climate change Expect the next one oscillation of the moon In its orbit, catastrophic floods could arise that would strike Earth, with consequences that are difficult – until now – to predict.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Also known by the acronym NOAA – 600 floods due to similar phenomena have already been reported during 2019. But this time, the situation appears to be more serious than in times past.

Indeed a coincidence that in 2030 there will be between the fort sea ​​level rise And a certain lunar cycle, may cause some well-known coastal cities to start a long period of dramatic events that can last up to 10 years.

The dangers of the lunar oscillation

The phenomenon known as oscillation of the moon It is the natural lunar cycle during which the tides can be affected with greater or lesser intensity.

. effectsThe gravitational pull of the moon On planet Earth it is currently underestimated, but it can have serious effects on many places in the world when sea level is higher, especially in periods when the Moon and Earth are aligned with the Sun.

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while the sea ​​level change team NASA is beginning to provide basic information in order to prevent and protect the environment and cities along the coasts, and this phenomenon is being studied to fully understand its dynamics.

What does NASA say about “catastrophic floods” in 2030

Bill NelsonThe NASA administrator and news spokesperson announced that the areas most at risk are those very low and close to sea level areas that are already, more often than not, places of flooding.

The combination of sea level rise, the moon’s gravity and climate change will inevitably lead – according to predictions made by the study published in The nature of climate change – To a chain of catastrophic events.

Not just one, then: It’s important to stress that we’re talking about one chain of events which can last for years and thus is considered roughly as a phase in Earth’s history.

How often will the floods come?

Research assistant at the University of Hawaii and lead author of the study, Phil ThompsonHe was upset not to take this discovery under his breath. Sometimes, in fact, due to less concern that floods are currently provoked compared to other climatic phenomena such as hurricanes, There is a danger of underestimating the situation.

Indeed, as Phil Thompson identifies, if floods begin to appear at a steady paceيرة 10 to 15 times a month, it becomes difficult to solve the problem. Today’s problem does not seem to cause much concern, it is not certain that it cannot be harmful in the future and this is what the study did climate nature change about ‘catastrophic floods’ in 2030.

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L ‘Warning, however, has been launched: now it will be up to potential future investigations by scientists to understand the implications – and above all – to the Governments Assessment of prevention and targeted actions on climate change, warming e EnvironmentThis is to avoid catastrophes greater than the human capacity to contain.

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