Why is the World Health Organization unfavorable to circulate the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine?  – launch

Why is the World Health Organization unfavorable to circulate the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine? – launch

COVID-19 pandemic in Francea file

The organization’s chief scientist, Somya Swaminathan, recognized the benefit of an extra dose for those at risk. However, she believes popularizing it is not necessary and stresses that many adults do not yet have access to a vaccine.

To fight the coronavirus pandemic and the decline in the effectiveness of the vaccine, the French government decided, after other states, to circulate the third dose to all adults, by specifically requiring the validity of the health permit. This measure is hotly contested in anti-tax circles that previously relied on the WHO. The World Health Organization will oppose injecting a booster dose to the entire population. As evidenced by this reportage It is broadcast by the Israeli channel I24news and It is widely shared by the anti-vaccine community.

WHO chief Soumya Swaminathan said on the programme, which aired on July 13: “You may need a booster dose after a year or two, but at this time, six months after the first dose, there is no evidence of this. We will recommend boosters. [les doses de rappel, ndlr] when we deem it necessary.” It called for state decisions to be based “On the science and not on the companies’ statements that their vaccine should be a booster.”

‘It’s very frustrating’

And he quoted the Director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the responsibility of the rich countries, because “Many countries haven’t even started vaccinating their populations, and other countries have already given two doses of the vaccine to the majority of their populations. They’re turning to a third: the booster. Not only is it disappointing, it’s seriously disappointing. It doesn’t make sense.” The head of the World Health Organization did not spare vaccine producers, who also said: “Instead of prioritizing distributing boosters to countries that already have a well-protected population, we need Moderna and Pfizer to deliver vaccines to Kovacs program, Africa, and low- and middle-income countries, which have low immunization coverage.”

This I24news report dates back to mid-July, when the Pfizer lab reported the benefit of a third dose and Israel, then a pioneer in vaccination, began offering booster doses to those at risk. The contagious delta variant has become the majority in France. Since then, the epidemic situation has changed. But what about the position of the World Health Organization?

Request from India’s Times Now TV on FridayAnd WHO Chief Scientist Somya Swaminathan recognizes the benefit of the third dose for populations at risk, i.e. “immunocompromised people”, “elderly”, because they are Weakened immune capabilities And “They may need a booster dose within a year or six months,” As well as beneficiaries of some vaccinations Like Sinovac and Sinopharm, inactivated vaccines from China, for them “We’ve found that immunity declines very quickly in people over the age of 60.”

‘We shouldn’t be distracted’

Generally, Somya Swaminathan recommends countries to control epidemic numbers because “The main thing here is the base [les] national decisions on local data”, In particular, the age of the population, hospital admissions, deaths of vaccinated persons, and the time elapsed since the last vaccination.

However, at this point, the chief scientist of the World Health Organization does not support the generalization of the third dose, declaring that “We’re not at a point yet where we can say, give a reminder to everyone because these vaccines don’t work.” Sticking to the data collected by the World Health Organization, it announced that the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization “We will meet on December 7th and we will be looking very carefully at what advice to give to countries and how to prioritize the use of these additional doses.”

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Like Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Soumya Swaminathan also does not forget the gaps between rich and poor countries and emphasizes “We are not yet at the level required for primary vaccination. […] The global target is 70% of the population of all countries by the middle of next year. We are very far from that in many countries. […] I think we shouldn’t veer off course now, except for a very small number of the population who might need that extra dose.”

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