Why do some think that a soul is dead?

Why do some think that a soul is dead?

Reasonably, it is difficult to imagine that the “soul” of the deceased could possess a person, even if it was speaking through his mouth. However, this is what “spiritual” mediums, shamans, voodoo followers do … and sometimes simple individuals.

If such cases of possession are rarely recognized in our country, in America or in Asia, then neuroscientists, anthropologists and psychologists have been studying these cases for about thirty years.

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All the people observed claim that they are, voluntarily or not, under the influence of a spirit other than their own. Since the first decade of the twenty-first century, researchers have ruled out the possibility of spirits crossing space and time to call themselves the body and thoughts of the “haunted”, only to realize this: some are in fact in an unusual state of mind.

People who feel possessions show a change in brain activity

In 2002, an electroencephalogram (EEG) study conducted during the Balinese ritual of possession showed that Ecstasy subjects showed unprecedented increases in the intensity of alpha and theta brain waves – The first state is associated with a peaceful state of consciousness, while the second is associated with drowsiness or hypnosis.

In 1990, the electroencephalogram already showed an increase in the intensity of alpha and beta frequencies (They usually appear with intense activity and focus) and theta during a mentoring session, in which the mediator acts as a “relay” between the client and the spirit.

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In 2012, CT scans, performed during spontaneous typing sessions, revealed particularly low activity in the left hippocampus and parts of the frontal lobe – areas normally activated by normal typing.

And in 2013, intense gamma waves and high activity in the frontal regions, reminiscent of certain meditation states, were shown in the media. For specialists, the brain of the “possessed” is thus the seat of unusual activities, of the kind that underlie states of meditation or hypnosis.

This could explain their feelings… if not a trace of a dead soul!

According to Science and Life Questions and Answers #33

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