Why did the sky turn pink at midnight this Tuesday in Belgium?

Why did the sky turn pink at midnight this Tuesday in Belgium?

The sky in Flanders took on a very strange color during the night, but residents know the explanation…

Some were surprised, but most of the people of East Flanders in Belgium know the origin of this strange and amazing coloration.

During the night and early morning of this Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the Belgian sky turned pink. But not a bit of a pale pink, no, it was a light pink, even fuchsia.


Netizen Jan Claes was surprised and asked for an explanation of this phenomenon on Twitter.

His message was: “Our street is at 00:45. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? It was really like in the picture.”

Very fast response

Very quickly, netizens gave him an answer to his question.

These are actually the LED lights deployed in the large greenhouses of tomatoes in the municipality of Kruisem.

Red light allows tomato plants to grow faster. Farmers also use blue light, it was reported send.

Particularly intense phenomenon this time

The phenomenon was particularly intense between Monday and Tuesday because clouds were very low and the blue and red light reflection of the greenhouses was stronger, meteorologist Franck Debussier reported in newblad. This allowed the light to spread across the sky very clearly.

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