Who has enough space to allow one or two cats to live freely?

Who has enough space to allow one or two cats to live freely?

The association that takes care of stray and abandoned cats in Saint-Pierre-la-Mer, Fleury-de-Audi and Les Capans is calling for solidarity. “7 Lives of Cats from the Indigo Coast” explains that in 2023, its members discovered a site full of cats on the Route des Cabanes. “They were breeding and living in deplorable conditions. We sterilized all of them (feral and semi-feral cats) and the four cats were rescued and adopted.” The association says that once the person occupying the land is evicted “After we took over at the request of the bailiff, the owners allowed us access for a month or two, and then we had to leave.” Since then, the cats have been left alone and the volunteers have been at a standstill. “The adjacent campsite will open in a few days and the feeding point is no longer accessible […] We are exhausted, frustrated, disgusted and sad for these poor cats who did not ask for anything.”…

“Our only last resort is to find people with pens, pens and properties willing to take in one or two cats and let them live as free cats, there are about six or seven of them and they are all spayed and neutered. We just need a place where they can be kept confined for a few days until they get their bearings.” We will follow up and provide food.

Those interested can call 06 40 77 78 92.

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