When faith takes science hostage

When faith takes science hostage

Science cannot be used to support theological claims, nor should articles of faith guide scientific inquiry. In God Needs No Evidence (1), Jack Arnold (2) defends methodological separatism, necessary to combat the exploitation of science through religion and to defend the autonomy of theology in relation to the sciences. An instructive exposition, when those who might be called the new crusaders of the twenty-first century, creationists and other fundamentalists, try to convince us that the progress of contemporary science confirms the assertions of religion.

under the veil of the universe

The secular conflict between the religious and scientific spheres is far from settled, as Jack Arnold tells us in the text he dedicates to Golias Hebdo (p. 5) after the publication of his latest work. “There is no doubt that knowledge and power are thus bound together, and interdependent. The historian and theologian disagree with the mixing of species, he argues like a philosopher of science, aware of advances in knowledge about space, contemporary physics, and evolution. It is not a question of choice in science and faith, but of acceptance, in The search for the presence of God, that the human spirit can only approach the truth.” Belief in Him is above all a means to transcend the limits of knowledge. »

Faith is also “commitment, risk management, decision-making”, not wanting to escape the test of facts, Jack Arnold, who draws on the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, develops a call to action. Frédéric Guin (3) in turn examines the latest work of Jack Arnold, also insisting on the need for methodological separatism. The academic makes a useful contribution (pg. 7) to various scientific issues that are direct societal issues and quotes in passing Giordano Bruno who considered the universe to be unlimited and announced our modern concept of space. The reference to the Neapolitan philosopher opens up a big question: How would many believers react if we discovered other inhabited worlds? But is it reasonable to think that we are alone in an ever-expanding cosmic ocean? Frédéric Gain makes a welcome addition to Jacques Arnould’s book and opens up avenues not yet explored. File formatted by Christian Terraces and Eva Lacoste – For more : 758. Golias Hebdo n° 758 (pdf file)

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      1. God Needs No “Evidence,” Jack Arnold, ed. Albin Michel, February 2023.
      2. A science historian and theologian, Jack Arnold is a project manager at the National Center for Space Studies, where he supports scientists as an expert ethicist. A former Dominican, he is also a highly ranked theologian. With Albin Michel, he notably published Duets vs. Darwin. Will creationists triumph over science? (2007) Under the Veil of the Universe. When Scientists Talk About God (2015).
      3. Frédéric Gain is Doctor of Ancient Philosophy and Professor of Philosophy in Literary Preparatory Classes at the Lycée Louis-Thuillier in Amiens. He recently published an annotated translation of the letters of Paul de Tars (L’Harmattan, 2022).

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