When Anika goes to toilet, someone follows her

When Anika goes to toilet, someone follows her

Leipzig / Dresden – meetings inFirst dateFollow an exact pattern. With Annika (29) and Rico (35) from Saxony, the toilet also plays a role.

When Annika (29) goes to the toilet, Roland Trittle (51) rushes after her.

When Annika (29) goes to the toilet, Roland Trittle (51) rushes after her. © VOX/RTL+

First, the social worker talks about herself and her wants and needs on Wednesday.

“For me, love is that you can count on someone you can laugh with and have a good time with,” said the Leipzig native.

You feel like you’re falling in love with, “But he has to be the one for me.”

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First dates – table for two
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More facts about the 29-year-old: Until now, she mostly met her partner on online dating and has been a vegan since 2016 because she doesn’t want to support raising “unpretty” animals. Ideally, her future husband should also eat a vegetarian or at least accept her point of view.

Team VOX hit the mark with Rico (35)! The Quality Manager in Mechanical and Plant Engineering is generally a vegetarian, but is more of a vegetarian for himself. An absolute match for Annika!

the Dresden He travels to Cologne without a strategy. “I just show myself in my natural way and everything will be fine.”

Of course we also went to the photo booth.

Of course we also went to the photo booth. © VOX/RTL+

Annika’s first impression of Riko: “He seemed so likable, and he was a little nervous at first, but I thought that was really cool.”

Another match: He spent a year in Australia and the Leipzig native also traveled for several months through New Zealand, the Fiji Islands and Down Under.

In the middle of the date, the social worker decides to go to the toilet. She is followed by host Roland Trettle, 51, who wants to know how the date is going. When he wants to leave the toilet again, she sits down on a chair and pulls out her mobile phone. Anika laughs: “I will call a friend now.”

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First dates – table for two
First Dates: When Angie hears his name she has to laugh!

Bailey asks to rate her counterpart on a scale of 1 to 10, to which the 29-year-old replies with “7.5 to 8”. Her friend is happy: “Wow, I can’t believe it. Yeah, great, congratulations.”

The meeting of the two seems generally very harmonious. Can both of them imagine seeing each other again?

VOX broadcasts “First Dates” Monday through Friday from 6 p.m. Episodes are also available upon request RTL+.

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