What are the most successful activities at Espace Fayolle in Guéret (Creuse)?

What are the most successful activities at Espace Fayolle in Guéret (Creuse)?

What activities are left first, which are required from all sides? This is the question to be asked during the open day at Espace Fayolle.

“First of all, the visual art workshops are full because places are limited to about 10 places, so they sell out more quickly,” explains Aurore Bourlot, Head of Structure. Same for pottery, with fewer places and “the room itself is limited in size”. The dance workshops are also very successful, almost all levels are full, “even if each has about 25 places”.

As for seduced audiences, she believes that pottery is very popular with adults, while minors are more interested in sports activities in general.

Why have guys from Guéret been meeting on Rue Fayolle for 50 years?

What are the activities that arouse curiosity?

Many questions revolve around “contemporary dance, which remains a mystery”, well-being activities that include yoga, Pilates, and stretching, as well as “tai chi chuan and qi jong, unknown to all”. The difference between modern jazz and jazz – mixed with hip-hop – also raises questions.

Finally, contemporary dance is practiced “as a family with parents and children as well as among teenage friends”. On the other hand, well-being workshops often end up gathering ‘slightly older participants’.

In Felletin (Creuse), this cinema workshop reinvents Harry Potter or The Hobbit

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Speakers complete, keeping in mind, the profiles of the participants. “For the teen group, they’re excited, they’re art schools oriented and I’m helping them build their portfolio, and their portfolio.” The plastic and digital arts workshops of Armand Bernard of the Palace are full.

Illustration of a pottery-making course on vacation at Espace Fuel.

“Some come to make useful things for the home, like vases and bird cages because they don’t want to buy but do it themselves, from scratch,” says Corinne Farsat, Pottery Making Classes for Animation. “Others have big plans. For several years, they have come up with imagining and creating totems over a meter high to decorate public parks.”

Charlotte Matthews

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