What are the consequences for vaccination resistance in the United States, New Zealand, and Sweden?

What are the consequences for vaccination resistance in the United States, New Zealand, and Sweden?

Motorists pass by a banner announcing doses of the Covid-19 vaccine available to Pfizer in California in Los Angeles, California, May 3, 2021.
Motorists walk past a sign announcing doses of the Covid-19 vaccine available from Pfizer in California, Los Angeles, California, May 3, 2021 (FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP)

In France, Covid-19 vaccination coverage for hospital staff raises questions. “We are far from vaccination coverage”, Expressed her sorrow on Monday, 3 May at France Info Florence Proud, member of the Federation of Nursing Aide Associations. Head to the United States, New Zealand, and Sweden to find out about the rules regarding adherence or non-compliance with vaccination.

In the United States, the obedience blackout remains

The country has crossed the threshold of 105 million people who have been fully vaccinated, but debate still rages around whether or not to adhere to, especially the case of a nurse from Houston, Texas, who is currently refusing a vaccine against Covid-19. Her name is Jennifer Bridges, she is one of 26,000 employees at Houston Methodist Hospital, the largest in Texas, and like her colleagues, the hospital administration granted her until June 7 to do so. Vaccination, for the safety of patients and other individuals. But the nurse refuses at the moment, explains that she is not ready, and threatens the hospital administration to expel her first and then expel her.

Federal law in the United States does not specify whether a company can compel an employee to be vaccinated or not, but the situation varies from state to state, so this question is shrouded in mystery. In any case, the Federal Office of Anti-Discrimination at Work has been caught in several cases and it has already been notified that an employee must, in this vaccination case, respect the employee’s religious beliefs or any medical contraindications. In any case, there are more and more US companies that want to make the vaccine mandatory. The Colorado meat giant is now recruiting only vaccinated workers. United Airlines is also considering making vaccination mandatory for all of its employees, even if it isn’t making an announcement right now. In New York, many restaurants also hire waiters or room staff on the condition that they present a vaccination card.

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There are also companies or communities that are willing to pay people to get vaccinated or at least reward them, which is very American. The Target supermarket chain offers a $ 30 trip for its employees to go to the nearest vaccination center. In California, the company that makes the fruit juices is giving it $ 500 to its fortified employees. In Maryland, the governor is just under $ 100 for his officials who will be vaccinated in the coming days. Even more authentically, the state of New Jersey offers anyone over the age of 21 who will be vaccinated in May, beer. The program is called “Shoot and Beer” [une piqûre et une bière], Which is in partnership with several local breweries

In New Zealand, customs officers have been fired for refusing to be vaccinated

This Oceanian country is one of the countries in the world that managed to better manage the Coronavirus crisis, but to obtain such results, drastic measures had to be taken. Nine officials have just been fired for refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19. These are the customs officers, who ensure border controls. However, since March 2020, New Zealand’s borders have been closed, as is the case in Australia. Although months have passed since any local transmission of the virus occurred in New Zealand, the rare carriers identified are people arriving from abroad, and customs must interact with these agents. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern promised that vaccination would not be mandatory, and that in such kind of cases, employees who refuse to be vaccinated would be reassigned to other less vulnerable services. However, these nine people could not be reclassified, so they were separated.

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On the Australian side at the federal level, the rule is that vaccination is not compulsory. On the other hand, states may decide the opposite, at least for certain categories of people. This is the case, for example, in the state of Victoria, where the city of Melbourne is located for all employees working in the quarantine program, which consists in the systematic setting up of all persons coming from abroad in rooms of a hotel for two weeks. Here, too, in case of rejection, the penalty is rejection. This is also the case in Queensland, in the northeast, where vaccination is also mandatory for all nursing staff. Qantas was the first to announce that it would require a vaccination certificate from its passengers when it resumed its international flights. We can therefore assume, without risking an error, that the cabin crew must also be vaccinated compulsory for travel and, therefore, for work.

In Sweden, a fine for refusing AstraZeneca

It happens in Kalmar, in the south of the country: the couple were fined because they did not want to be vaccinated. Staffan Lagerstrom, in his 70s, is competing with his city broker for a fine of 20 euros that will be sent to him, plus 20 euros for his wife. The reason: He went to his appointment for the vaccination and turned around to avoid receiving a dose of AstraZeneca.

In Sweden, in fact, we don’t know the brand of vaccine until we sit in the doctor’s chair, getting ready to be bitten. But for a complaining couple, forcing someone to buy a product that you only discover at the last minute is illegal. It is not known how many people have been fined yet, as many have had to pay it without saying anything, but the Kalmar area confirms that this is about whoever does not attend regardless of the vaccine. Moreover, to avoid wastage and waste of the vaccine. time.

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This case illustrates the distrust of this vaccine, whose very rare side effects were observed here in four people, four women, two of whom died. The authorities contributed to the confusion. It was initially intended for those under the age of 65, then was suspended, before the license was reinstated, for those over 65 this time. Sweden has already had to extend the vaccination program twice, which is going at a slower pace than expected. But I’m not sure a twenty euro fine is enough to convince the Swedes to adopt AstraZeneca.

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