Welcome to the hard science fiction world, where science serves wonders.

Welcome to the hard science fiction world, where science serves wonders.

SF in all its forms

From the hit movie Interstellar to the TV series The Three-body problemHard science fiction (or “hard science fiction”) has established itself in popular culture. How was it born? What does science say? And what does this madness say about the state of our societies? Discover the series, and below discover this episode in an audio version, read by our journalist!

Science fiction always holds the promise of discovering another reality, sometimes close to us, sometimes very far away. Some books, movies or series shamelessly look into highly imaginary universes, without much concern for scientific veracity, such as the multiple iterations of Star Trekgreat epics star Wars and other infinite parallel worlds. For other authors, it is important that the phenomena described are plausible in relation to contemporary knowledge.

Listen to this article read by our journalist Silvia Revello.

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