“We are approaching the limits of human survival,” warns Isabelle Otissier

“We are approaching the limits of human survival,” warns Isabelle Otissier

an interview

With her training as an agronomist specializing in fisheries, her role as head of the WWF and her decades of experience as a seafarer, Isabelle Otissier sees the planet changing. But she warns: The Earth will continue to spin, with or without us. What is at risk is not the planet, but the human race. A wake-up call in the face of the political inaction that I prompted on Sunday with the microphone of Isabel Morrissey on the programme. There is only one life in life. She theorizes that “environmental issues are above all human.”

Therefore, ecology is above all a human affair. “If we do all this, we have to live in decent conditions, in conditions in which humanity can continue to express itself. However, today we have a form of human, social, economic and political organization that attracts ourselves: we destroy the basics of what makes us live. ‘, angry Isabelle Otissier at microphone Europe 1.

“10% of the planet’s population produces 50% of greenhouse gases”

“The first thing is to have a fairly decent climate,” she recalls. “Last May, in India, the temperature was 50 degrees Celsius.” “At 55 degrees, the proteins coagulate. The humans coagulate. So the humans would leave, and they wouldn’t allow themselves to roast right away. We’re approaching the limits of humankind’s survival.”

For Isabelle Otissier, these issues are very easy to sum up as a matter of planet overpopulation. She notes that “today 10% of the planet’s population produces 50% of greenhouse gases.” “We also have to rebalance. We, at home, are in overconsumption and overconsumption. We waste, demand ten things to get rid of nine, do anything. We have to calm down. We can live very well without overconsumption. And it is not a punitive environment. I I hate that word. What is my punishment is not working with the environment. It is my punishment for humans.”

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“The basics of ecology are science”

Thus, the environmental emergency, affecting all human beings, is apolitical for Isabelle Otissier. “The foundations of ecology are apolitical, because the foundations of ecology are science.” However, in France, discourse and environmental action focus on parties to the left of the political spectrum. “Because others didn’t pay attention to him,” explains the engineer and navigator.

“For decades and decades, these parties were the only ones bringing up this topic,” she notes. “If the parties of the right, center, or even the far right, had really taken action, not just good rhetoric, they would have been credible. They could have brought up these issues. They didn’t.”

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