Vote for whom or why?

Vote for whom or why?

The campaign got off to a good start. the care Pile up, announcements, meetings and comments too. However, there is something annoying. According to the FIFG, 54% of French people believe that democracy is doing poorly in France. from his side, The Economist In its annual Index of Democracy, based on sixty criteria, France gives a modest 24y Place, behind Costa Rica, ahead of Israel, Spain, Chile and the United States, all of which, like France, are “imperfect democracies”.

In the IFOP study, 84% of respondents believed that citizens should be more involved in decision-making. solutions? Teaching democracy and participation at 49%, using local and national referendums (49%), adapting local decision-making to the specificity of each territory (48%). Which amounts to saying that democracy thus suffers not from a lack of interest, but from a lack of practice.

54% of French people think democracy works poorly

Is another democratic exercise possible in France? In the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Spain, governments come from coalitions that enforce concessions, allow for greater representation, and impose responsibilities. In France, the majority rests on a narrow base, much narrower than the protest votes of parties, on the far right and the extreme left, which has never been linked to the conduct of public affairs.

The Jacobin centralization of the Melfi of local authorities cloaked in a provincial coat is coupled with an unprecedented in the world, while economic interventionism is an intriguing consensus. Democratic ambition as shown in IFOP, Fondapol or . studies The Economist Regarding the shortcomings of French-style “governance” tend to the same conclusion: power is too centralized and citizens too distant. The result is not very effective.

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In this presidential election, everyone goes to the last measure, hoping to catch the eye, and erase the difference between the president, the government, and parliament. False: The boss doesn’t have to have a program, just principles, priorities, and ambition very different from a business bonus or tax rate. Especially since the future is what it is – unpredictable – no one can seriously suggest a “program”.

Making democracy closer and more effective, is that possible?

The vertical position of power is so tense that elections seem more like a contest of personalities than a discussion of ideas, in a country nevertheless notorious for its love of debate and ideas. This is not the fault of the candidates, but the fault of those who think that the president decides salaries as much as the school programmes.

Making democracy closer and more effective, is that possible? Currently, the Swiss vote on four topics: media support, tobacco advertising for minors, abolition of stamp duties for companies, and a ban on animal research. Questions that are not simple, which touch on pluralism, taxation, research, health, freedom … Recently, they agreed to marry for all, the PMA refused, taxing capital gains, and accepted the Covid emergency laws (in France, Parliament passed laws emergency until next July). The fight against climate change, European negotiations, time for action, all this is being discussed through referendums.

Given the results, the most demagogic proposals (on pensions, working times, taxes, and the rights of foreigners, for example) are systematically rejected. Citizen maturity is stronger than the maturity of many false platforms.

Nationality in Switzerland

Rather than discussing the charisma, strategy and personality of the candidates, the Swiss voted on the proposals. Vote for whom or why?

In France, the next president will be able to count on a quarter of the votes cast, and three quarters of the opponents. He will have all the powers, and almost none. 7,000 yellow vests could threaten Paris, 3,000 zady reject the airport that all elected officials and other institutions have agreed to. (Eventually the Zadists convince the president.)

Can you imagine, in France, the vote on the PMA, the tax rates, the nuclear and urban plans? Mayors, like district heads, were elected with less than 50% of those registered. Each time, the winner takes it all. Does it make sense? Shouldn’t proportionality require consent rather than acknowledgment of differences?

Can we not go back to the path of decentralization, and finally try real local forces? Administrative class cake weighs and cripple. The state retains the master’s share by dividing the powers and holding the portfolio.

Democracy is all. It is local and transversal: can we change the school without modifying the way it operates, its governance, and having parents play another role? The French abroad know this well, they are subject to ambiguous dictates, to arbitrary punctures, but they also benefit from different, more independent and diverse models.

The French who live abroad vote less. Consular officials, whatever their activity, are little heard. The Association of French Citizens Abroad has few resources. Even subsidies are decided by the Ministry unilaterally.

Education, taxation, CSG, and presidential elections are therefore the real time for the “top” challenge.

For Summit Challenge, Special Mobilization

How can we improve democracy if not by questioning? Mobilizing journalists to interview candidates; Exclusive interviews with specific questions for French people living abroad.

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We have also created a consultation only for the French living abroad, renewing wave after wave. You are invited to participate and consult with her: more than 3000 responses. You can get the first results in the special bulletin No. 2 on the presidential elections, with a file on the candidates’ tax proposals.

France, an imperfect democracy? So you can get better. Si Norvégiens, Néo-zélandais, Finlandais, Suédois, Islandais, Danois, Ireland, Taïwanais, Suisses, Australiens, Néerlandais, Uruguayens, Luxembourgeois, Allemands, Coréens, Japonais, Britanniques, Miriche nosé uvés, no Mauriciens’ sons’ uvés, Uruguays, Islandais, Danois, Ireland progress.

These countries are generally richer than their neighbours. It is not because they are rich that they are free, but because they are free, well governed, and getting richer.

The development of democracy is the most important issue in this presidential election.

We contribute to this in our own way. And if you can’t vote for us, you can still subscribe. for 200y edition, would be a good idea!

Laurent Dominati

to me. France’s ambassador

to me. Member of Parliament for Paris

  • Son of Jacques Domente (Member of Paris from 1982 to 1993), his successor from 1993 to 2002 and was Secretary General of Liberal Democracy, then Ambassador to Honduras from 2007 to 2010 and Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg from 2010 to 2013. Today, he directs the media Media

    See his articles

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