Viking Ocean rescued 88 more immigrants

Viking Ocean rescued 88 more immigrants

The Ocean Viking rescue ship, SOS Méditerranée at sea, 88 immigrants More in the past few days at
Mediterranean sea, distance
first rescue Thursday 44 people, we learned on Sunday from the NGO.

In three operations and four rescued vessels since Thursday, the Ocean Viking has rescued a total of 132 people, including 9 women and 40 minors, according to a SOS Mediterranean spokesperson. These rescues, which took place in particular in the Maltese Rescue and Search Zone, off the Libyan coast, concerned three wooden and one fiberglass vessels, where water and fuel had infiltrated.

More than 30,000 lives have been saved since February 2016

The United Nations recently identified Libya and the European Union, called on them to reform search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean, and claimed that current practices deprive migrants of their rights and dignity, when they do not take life away from them. . Since the beginning of 2021, 866 migrants have died in the Mediterranean while trying to reach Europe, according to figures from the International Organization for Migration.

SOS Méditerranée claims to have rescued more than 30,000 lives since February 2016, first with Aquarius, then Ocean Viking.

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