Videos.  A 700kg walrus sinks several boats while trying to nap there

Videos. A 700kg walrus sinks several boats while trying to nap there

In October 2021, the mammal was sighted in Helder Harbor, the Netherlands. Lie on the hull of a Dutch Navy submarine. Freya has also been seen on the German, Danish and Scottish coasts.

In April 2022, she laid down her bags in Norway at the port of Krageru, according to Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet. After causing damage, Norwegian authorities built a floating dock for her to take a nap without disturbing the boat owners. “When you get used to this floating dock, the boats can come to take Freya to another place,” Kragerø Mayor told Dagbladet. Since July 16, Freya has appeared in Oslo. The city warned the public not to approach the animal, which could pose a danger.

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