video.  Recovering kakapo in New Zealand

video. Recovering kakapo in New Zealand

It is a large green bird that lives in the forests of New Zealand. They are critically endangered, however 55 birds were born this year. Can kakapo be reborn? That’s what scientists hope for the “kakapo restoration programme,” which is pushing for the species’ development.

“There were only 86 kakapos when I started in 2002. That number was scary. The birth of 55 chicks this season is a real positive step,” explains Deidre Virkoy, Operational Director of the Kakapo Recovery Programme. There are now at least 255 individuals in the world. This is the highest level since the 1970s.

This achievement was made possible by the efforts of the New Zealand Department of Conservation. The main problem with this species is that it reproduces only two to three times a year, with a very low fertility rate (less than 50%). Therefore, scientists resort to artificial insemination to speed up the growth of the species.

The peculiarity of kakapo is that it cannot fly. It is a land bird. It has wings, but it is too small to fly. It is also Of the heaviest parrotss, where it can reach 60 cm per 4 kg.

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