[VIDEO] Mysterious ‘golden orb’ discovered at ocean floor: Scientists wonder what creature such an egg could belong to

[VIDEO] Mysterious ‘golden orb’ discovered at ocean floor: Scientists wonder what creature such an egg could belong to

Scientists have discovered an unknown creature on the ocean floor off the Pacific coast of Alaska. A still-unidentified golden orb was spotted at a depth of about three kilometers by a remote-controlled underwater explorer as part of the Seascape Alaska 5 expedition.

This thing was oval in shape and quite smooth in appearance, it was stuck on a rock and had a hole in the side. Scientists from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Reports indicate that NOAA in the United States, which made this discovery, indicates that it may be a hatched egg or a marine sponge. Watchman. The hole would have allowed a creature to emerge unless it was the trail of a predator, according to scientists.

Watch the video from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:

A sample was taken for DNA analysis of this unknown substance. The remote-controlled robot that came to observe him noticed a sensitive touch “like skin”. “I just hope that when we push it, something doesn’t decide to come out.”“, said one of the scientists. “It’s like the beginning of a horror movie.” Continue.

The robot sucked the mysterious egg out to examine it. Once in the laboratory, the material appears in color. “We chose the egg because of its texture. It was fleshy and had no clear anatomy. There was a hole indicating something had entered or exited. But it didn’t look like any egg I had ever seen before.”Professor Kerry Howell, a deep-sea ecologist at the University of Plymouth, said. And immediately ask yourself: “If it’s an egg, the really interesting question is whose egg it is. It’s very large. It’s not a small fish egg. It’s something big.”.

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