video.  Mini COP 27. In the face of global warming, Limousin High School students present their work.

video. Mini COP 27. In the face of global warming, Limousin High School students present their work.

Not yet adults, they are already working to meet the challenges of global warming. Limousin High School students from three institutions worked for several months on issues of water resources, mobility and forest management.

Working Months For today, on Tuesday 25 April 2023, the mini COP 27 begins on the Jacobins Campus in Limoges. High school students were able to present their questions and solutions to politicians and experts on climate and environmental issues.

We were already aware of the problem, but not until this point. It is about Masoudi Sirene, a high school student. “There is a lot of talk about it, but very little action takensays his mate Amber Nickett.

For this mini COP 27, three establishments are involved, one in each limousine section.

In Guéret in Creuse, the Pierre Bourdain Lyceum worked on issues of water resources. For Haute-Vienne, the issue of navigating Saint-Junien’s living area came back to the city’s public high school, Lycée Paul-Eluard. Finally, the Edmond-Perrier Foundation in Tulle deals with the topic of forest management in Correez.

60 young people who have been working on their topics for a long time are discussing on Tuesday, April 25 with real experts on these questions, such as Jill Buff. The former head of the National Museum of Natural History, the biologist also participated in COP 21.

The role of the scientist is to be there to explain the situation and give the solutions that are in front of us, He says. We don’t have time to wait for Jill. We have to get these young people to work, and for this we need science, not opinions.

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Opening these final year students to scientific subjects, this is one of the aims of this system created by Récréasciences.

we MonthWhat’s happening in the limousine area in terms of research, expertssays its director, Mary Doneda. And there is the value of commitment. I act.

The project allows real awareness of climate change. A remake is already planned for next year.

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