Video.  In New Zealand, 3 days leave in case of an abortion

Video. In New Zealand, 3 days leave in case of an abortion


Video length: 3 min.

Spouses are now entitled to 3 days of leave in case of miscarriage or stillbirth.  It is one of the first countries in the world to address this often taboo subject...
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Spouses are now entitled to 3 days of leave in case of miscarriage or stillbirth. It is one of the first countries in the world to address this often taboo subject…

Some companies are forcing employees to use their sick leave at a time when they are facing a huge loss. It’s cruel and it’s wrong. Because the grief associated with a miscarriage is not a disease Mr. President, it is a loss and this loss takes time, time to recover physically and mentally, time to recover with your partnerNew Zealand MP Jenny Andersen said.

New Zealand became one of the first countries in the world to pass legislation providing for paid leave for couples who suffer a miscarriage or die at birth. During her intervention, Jenny Andersen also referred to the taboo associated with abortion. A taboo that you hope will disappear with the application of this procedure. “Abortion is often hidden and left in the dark. Despite the fact that one in four women in New Zealand undergoes an abortion, it is still considered taboo in our current society.‘, criticized.

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