video.  “Happy Anti-Russian Christmas”: A satirical Russian media clip depicting Europeans

video. “Happy Anti-Russian Christmas”: A satirical Russian media clip depicting Europeans

The Russian media, RT, broadcast a satirical video on the occasion of the end-of-year celebrations in Europe. The video plays with the energy crisis affecting many countries on the continent.

A little more than 70 seconds of irony: Russian media RT has broadcast a video in recent days that bitterly depicts Europeans. At the heart of the film: the energy crisis affecting the countries of the continent.

In his caricature, the Russian media depicted a European family. The sequence begins with a father, mother and daughter meeting in the year 2021 in a cozy house to celebrate Christmas. The little girl receives a small rodent. Then in 2022, a year later: the house is no longer warm and it lacks electricity. The father of the family is trying to build a mechanism to light the Christmas tree thanks to the rodent wheel.

Here we are finally at Christmas 2023, in the same house. The windows are broken, and it’s surprisingly cold in this candle-lit foyer. The family somehow tastes of the soup… It has little rodents in it. Thus, RT media portrays Europe in need of electricity with this sarcastic message: “Happy anti-Russian Christmas”. An even more brazen message because the Russian military is currently bombing Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

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