video.  An impressive windswept windfall for a Boeing 737

video. An impressive windswept windfall for a Boeing 737

In winter, weather conditions are often unfavorable for aeronautics. At some airports such as Madeira in Portugal, planes land in mildly sloppy conditions Difficult.

to me Madeira International AirportIt is located in an archipelago of the same name off the northwestern coast of Africa, and access to airstrips is often complicated by the high winds that are characteristic of the region.

By landing in difficult conditions, airline pilots develop their skills. Furthermore, to fly to airports classified as dangerous, pilots must gain significant experience in flying aircraft, but also in managing difficult situations.

(Photo: Masahiro/AdobeStock)

In addition to fog, wind is also one of the natural phenomena that occur Landing Difficult. In winter, planes constantly encounter landings at some airports.

Madeira Airport: Landing rocked by the winds of a passenger plane

In aeronautics, a crosswind landing is described when the direction of the wind at ground level is different from that of the landing strip axis. This makes the track very difficult to access.

Madeira Airport posted on Tuesday, November 29 his YouTube channelAnother video of the difficult and spectacular landing of the Boeing 737 Smartwings. The video begins as the plane begins to approach against the backdrop of an overcast sky.

Approaching the landing strip, we can already see the increase in the vertical speed of the aircraft. The impact of the storms can be clearly seen on the plane, which struggles to straighten its course.

Very quickly Boeing I reached the runway and was able to land without difficulty. After the ground shook somewhat, the pilot was able to land after battling the strong winds that characterize Madeira Airport.

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