Vaucluse welcomes France's 25th service area

Vaucluse welcomes France's 25th service area


A new space called France Services was inaugurated on Monday 15 July at the Avenir 84 headquarters in Avignon. This is the 25th space of this type in the Vaucluse department.

Nearly 3,000 French services are expected to be deployed across France by 2027. There are 25 in the Vaucluse, including the latest one, in Avignon, which has just opened. These French service spaces bring public service closer to users.

This free service ensures that users are welcomed and supported in their administrative procedures relating to various topics such as: health, family, retirement, law, housing, taxes, job search, or even… digital support. France Services estimates that 4 out of 5 procedures are completely resolved on the first visit to one of France Services' service areas.

The new Avignon space, located at the 84 Avenue building, complements the services offered by Bus France services in Avignon, which are in high demand. This space therefore welcomes the public from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm at 27 bis Avenue de la Trillade (Le Ventoux building).

To find a France Services space near you, click here.

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