Val Dois.  New Year’s Eve in Opposites: December 25 in Flipping Under Palm Trees in New Zealand for Bacar

Val Dois. New Year’s Eve in Opposites: December 25 in Flipping Under Palm Trees in New Zealand for Bacar

Pakar Ba lives on the island of Tauranga, New Zealand.
Pakar Ba has been living on Tauranga Island, New Zealand for nearly two years. (© DR)

Almost two years ago, black baeAnd the 41 years, (unrelated to France is expensive, editor’s note) vs. Tauranga, one of the two main islands in New ZealandWith his wife and two children.

“People are great”

This hospital practitioner who lived in sergey (Val d’Oise) during his long studies of Medicine He didn’t hesitate for a moment when the possibility of pursuing his career was in the middle of it security I offered it.

After two years spent in noumea, Capital New Caledonia, from now on Head of the Interventional Radiology Department to mepublic hospital From the island as called New Zealand (The land of the long white cloud in Maori).

” here there life Completely Different from Parisian District. Everyone is more relaxed, even better, especially at the level of children’s education. It’s more…awesome,” says the first Assistant Physician at Val de Grace Military Hospital.

He works in a general hospital.
He works as a chief radiologist at the island’s general hospital. (© DR)

“on the other side, days start often Previously Also: people at work aurora borealisSome even take the timeAll surfers by laughs.

“Here, surfing is almost just as important Protestant religion who reigns,” I smiles Basketball player.

beach and champagne

And the birthday It is well celebrated in New Zealand, yet customs are drastically different, according to climatic conditions.

” The tradition It’s the same, except that fir he is replace Talk Bohutokawa, perfect tree for the picnic In the shadow of her leaves, Bakkar explains.

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“New Zealanders don’t eat dinner on the evening of the 24th, but rather festive day On the beach, around December 25. The moment he does it 25°C On average: we are all in tongs and others T-shirt. drink champagne Ago morning He doesn’t seem to frighten anyone here,” the practitioner smiles.

“The best treatment for Covid-19 in the world”

and related to health measures, ” There is no No restrictions or recommendations, unlike France, because New Zealand residents systematically have Take the lead Before each directive imposed by the state. My children’s school, for example, summoned everyone Students’ parents to Debatea group of Steps to take “,” refers to ex Valdoisien.

According to the daily reports regarding the COVID-19 pandemic he receives, “ Four cases of contamination These have been identified the past four days Bakkar says.

“These good results are due to the excellent Crisis Management Across Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, considered one the best in the world. There is also a lot of solidarity on the part of the population and respect to instructions. Nobody is having fun with them get down… Except French The hospital doctor slips.

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