US will soon begin ‘Beyond the Moon’ patrols

US will soon begin ‘Beyond the Moon’ patrols

A few days ago, the US Air Force Research Laboratory posted a video that almost went unnoticed. However, it reveals important information: the US military plans to expand its sphere of action in space beyond the geostationary orbit, to the Moon.

at Video The US Air Force Research Laboratory, recently published, reveals to us the great projects of the US military in space. This future work includes expanding its capabilities beyond geostationary orbit with a new satellite called the Cislunar Highway Patrol System (CHPS). It will be a periodic investigation that the military plans to launch into lunar space. In other words, you will reach the limits of the moon’s orbit.

US space missions so far It stretches 35,400 km above the Earth, in geostationary orbit. Thus, the Air Force Research Laboratory intends to expand this scope of work ten times. CHPS It will bypass thousands of government and commercial satellites as it heads to an area seldom visited before 438000 km from EarthThe video confirms.

The Air Force Laboratory will oversee the development of the satellite. The US Space Force would then have the latter for use by the US Space Command, which oversees military activities and operations in space.

moon russia china
Moon seen by the Galileo space probe in 1992. Credits: NASA / JPL / USGS

The moon, the playground of the future

What will the US military do with a satellite moving near the moon? Maybe simple notes. ” The next step for them would be to be able to find out what is happening in lunar space and then identify any potential threats to American activities.‘, explains to Ars Technica Brian Weyden, Safe World Foundation Program. According to him, this investigation, on the other hand, will not be Do not use to respond to these potential threats.

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Through its video, the US Air Force claims that it simply wants to ensure that increased space traffic performs well in the lunar environment, citing in particular the many commercial missions sponsored by NASA and its Artemis program. according to recent report At the Center for Strategic and International Studies, dozens of missions on or around the Moon will already be planned over the next decade.

The US Space Force will work to ensure the peaceful development of space, keeping our missions safe and secure in these distant frontiers.‘says the video.’ Responsible use of space and unimpeded access to space domain awareness ensure collision avoidance, in-orbit logistics, communications, navigation, and maneuverability, all of which are essential to the commerce, science, and space exploration of the United States and its allies.

The US Air Force Research Laboratory plans to issue a request for proposals for prototypes next March 21. The successful proposal will be announced in July.

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