Uri.  Etrépagny co-working space named Third Places Normandy

Uri. Etrépagny co-working space named Third Places Normandy

Regional councilor Cecile Remy Bastet praised the boldness of Anis and Michael Fernandez, owners of Work & Co in Ettribany, Eur.
Regional councilor Cecile Remy Bastet praised the boldness of Anis and Michael Fernandez, owners of Work & Co in Ettribany, Eur. (© L’Impartial)

co-working space Labor & Co. Opened in September 2020 in downtownEtribani (is yours).

A little over a year later, he just received an award Third place Normandy label from here Area.

another friday morning, Jonas HaddadA regional consultant in charge of digital technology accompanied by colleagues Cecil Remy BastetAnd Jamal Tibout And Francois Osello Officially handed the signature to Anais and Michael Fernandezproperty owners in attendance Frederic CailletThe mayor andAngela DelaplaceCounty Counsellor.

One to two clients a day

Since its establishment, the company Labor & Co. It turns into one or two people a day.

“We have students, teachers, remote employees and craftsmen who sometimes need an office,” explains Mickaël Fernandes, who hopes Tiers rather than Normandie will give him better visibility and therefore more customers.

The health crisis caused by Covid-19 calls for the development of this type of institution in urban areas as well as in rural sectors with the emergence of a new way of working.

Remote work, the arrival of new residents from the Paris region and high-speed broadband are assets to enhance the vitality of the regions, particularly in Vixen-Normand.

Anis and Michael Fernandez also plan to open other co-working spaces in small towns.

Boldness rewarded

Cecile Remy Bastet wanted to pay homage to their audacity.

Imagine four years ago I set up a co-working space in the heart of Vexin Normand, in the most complete rural setting, you had to think about. I wanted to make it a friendly place, and it worked. These spaces are places of exchange and collaboration that nurture our collective intelligence. Co-workers will be different, they will not be our colleagues in our company but our neighbors and this sharing of ideas will bring wealth.

Cecil Remy BastetRegional Consultant

Video game evenings

To attract a new audience, Work & Co is diversifying its offering by offering nightlife Monday through Saturday from 7pm to 1am.

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Young and old can spend an evening with friends or family over video games on PS5. So FIFA 22 or NBA2K21, do you like it?

Work & Co, 10 rue du Maréchal Foch in Étrépagny. Co-working space: €5 per day (valid for one person from 7am to 7pm) or €90 per month (up to 5 days a week). Meeting room: €40 for 4 hours (maximum 8-10 people, including video projector). Reservations at 02 79 12 00 20 or [email protected]

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