United Kingdom: A village invaded by peacocks

United Kingdom: A village invaded by peacocks


Video length: 3 minutes

United Kingdom: A village invaded by peacocks
France 2

Article written by

France 2 – Polis, C. Madini, L. Chevalier, L. Sodry

France Televisions

In the UK, the small town of Maryport has been overrun by peacocks. These birds have created discord in the neighborhood between the pros and the anti-peacocks.

Maryport is a sleepy little town in the north of England, whose tranquility is disturbed by its new residents: peacock. They court and strut the streets without any idea of ​​private property. They invite themselves to all neighbors. “My kids give them potato chips, the peacocks love them.”Stresses the woman. These birds were given the status of conquerors. Originally, there were only three peacocks in a hotel that closed in 2018. Since then, their number has doubled. In the area there will be about thirty of them, ie 1% of its human population.

Two petitions

“I talk to them and they look at me. When I go to my balcony, they poop on my head. But what a beautiful bird! “attests a local resident. adapts to their presence. But some of his neighbors are overworked. “They scream from 4am every morning”laments a resident. The peacock has sowed discord in this village. Residents disagree on petitions. One to catch them and entrust them to a shelter. the other to allow them to thrive. The latter received the most support.

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